ldjaggy wrote:Thats like asking for a direct effect on the land when I kill massive amounts of X creature. If that was the case code-wise, nothing would still be alive in Atys today!!
I'm aware it doesn't work like that but then that's not what I'm asking for. The changes I'm suggesting would
only apply to the KotD.
(mind you I wouldn't mind some kind of system where environmental damage was possible but only as a social experiment to confirm my suspicion that people will destroy what they have rather than share it with others.)
ldjaggy wrote:It is much easier to take to task the mission in question to create the effect of a reduced population of the Kitins. On the other hand, for those of us who haven't achived the title "Kitin Mass Murderer" yet, we like the idea that we can still directly attack the spawns in question without affecting the mission-percentage, and those Kitins will still re-surface for another round of battle.
Fist of all I don't see what's so great about being a mass murderer of any description, Guardian of Atys yes but a mass murderer. Running around with a title like that I'd aleays be afraid of having to someday face a war tribunal for crimes against kitin kind. "Atys defender" or "Hero of Atys" would be better.
Secondly, there are people who can not participate in the event and who's gameplay is(was?) seriously hindered by the event so it shouldn't laste too long lest new players leave out of frustration.
ldjaggy wrote:I recommend that if you want to wipe out all of the Kitins in question, take the missions first, then go on your battle spree...
Hm, isn't that part of what I was suggesting?