Question: Key Binding (Harvesting)

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Question: Key Binding (Harvesting)

Post by flyfree »

I am trying very hard to bind a single key to target one of my prospected sources. If I do not use knowledge, this is not a problem if I use "New Key/Target Entity/Source [myname]; then assigning it a key. However, when I use Knowledge, I can only get this to work if I create a separate key binding for each possible source name, ie. one for Tansy Wood Node, Pha Amber, Beng Amber etc, etc. I have tried using "New Key/Target Entity/ (space and no space) [myname], but neither targets anything.

Does anyone know a command that I can use while creating a new key binding that would mean "anything" [myname], so that I can use knowledge while prospecting and still bind "target source" to a single key. I can fight/ craft/ explore/ do pretty much anything using my game controller except target a source (with knowledge), which rules out Harvesting with the game controller. Since we all know knowledge is a must for any Harvester worth his/her own sweat. =D

Oh, I only ask because using the mouse for long periods is difficult on my back. lol
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Re: Question: Key Binding (Harvesting)

Post by blaah »

flyfree wrote:Does anyone know a command that I can use while creating a new key binding that would mean "anything" [myname],
you cant, but you can add multiple sources (/tar entries) to your macro and under one key.
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Re: Question: Key Binding (Harvesting)

Post by flyfree »

Thanks. off topic, but do you know anyway to bind one action to two different keys. ie have both "1" and "numberpad1" do the same thing. (when i do use the keyboard I'm in the habit of using both. Thanks again.
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Re: Question: Key Binding (Harvesting)

Post by blaah »

flyfree wrote:Thanks. off topic, but do you know anyway to bind one action to two different keys. ie have both "1" and "numberpad1" do the same thing. (when i do use the keyboard I'm in the habit of using both. Thanks again.
you can drag macro icon to your hands bar. then it kind of has two keys attached to it ;-)
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Re: Question: Key Binding (Harvesting)

Post by flyfree »

LOL, thanks again. That'll work well enough.
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Re: Question: Key Binding (Harvesting)

Post by whiterider »

Or just create the macro twice, each one with a different shortcut.

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