Digging question

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Digging question

Post by guitarxexe »

Hey folks! Just started playing again and have tons of questions (which I'll leave for another topic), but for now I have a quick question about prospecting, which was the first thing I did as soon as I logged in! :D

Anyway, there's this little annoyance when you try to prospect, and it says that the deposit is less than 1m away, but you just can't find it no matter how much you wiggle around there. Now, I remember one time I asked about this before, I was told a very handy trick, but I can't remember it exactly. I think the trick was to put up your tracking for that material, find the deposit, but not stop there but instead keep going further 100m and try prospecting there.

I don't remember it exactly, but I think it was something like that, and it used to work perfectly for me. Does anyone know what I am talking about? Could you refresh my memory?
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Re: Digging question

Post by petersk »

Welcome back to Atys. :)

The way I look at prospecting is this: tracking gets you to a "box" with the desired materials somewhere in that "box" (for sake of argument, say the box is 100m x 100m). You may be on the side of the box where the materials actually are, but that is seldom the case for me. When prospecting for a material after I track an area, I set my range long and angle rather wide, that way I might get lucky on the first cast or two before I have to move, usually about 2/3 of my cast range, and rotate to overlap the angle by about 10 or 15%. This was difficult at best when I was low level, since I usually ran out of focus before I found the deposit. Not sure if this was helpful, but good luck!

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