PvP with consequences!
PvP with consequences!
So i was in the Roots and have see thats a automatic PvP area. But now what is that for a PvP, without consequence! I kill you and can not stolen anything. Ok my Idea for better PvP and more fun in this sector is: In high areas you find by crafting new material for spezial Items only here you can find this material. So you make there your Job a bad guy coming (Yes thats Rolegaming not al Angels) and kill you now he can only!!! stolen your crafting Materials out of your bag (Is a compromiss to the carebears!). Now you have thrill by the works in this areas. The market will get up for this materials. And you have real PvP whats can carry this name. In the Moment sorry but it is a joke. I come from EveOnline and there you find a market that works (here by Ryzom is he dead!) why he works? the Peoples lost his things! And you have a PvP sector were you have thrill, he is very hard and a have give you on the beginning a lower vision of this PvP-sector for Ryzom. To the Devs make a test trail by Eveonline and look to the PvP sector and you understand what i mean. Sorry to the carebears i understand that you don´t want areas with material were you can get with risk but for the crafting you need a good working market, thats you missing by Ryzom and a lost of material by killing is better than you lay naked on the ground. 

Re: PvP with consequences!
In these areas there already are materials that can be found there exclusively.
Supreme Materials in white / black are exclusive to the Prime Roots.
And are/were frequently fought over, at least on Leanon-Server. (German Com.)
For the material in question is limited. And you can´t dig while fighting.
So while you are fighting someone else may forage the special stuff.
Ok, it comes down to numbers and tactics, but it already is an accepted compromise to most PvPers I know.
Now you may call me a Carebear all you want, I´m proud to be one by the way
, but this "PvP with consequences" Need has been discussed in the history of Ryzom over and over again.
And, well I´m sorry to disappoint you, but I don´t think this dream of yours will ever come true around here.
Ryzom simply isn´t the game for that. Most players have accepted that and hopefully most that come here in the future will accept that too.
Not all games "need" open PvP, even if its limited.
We carebears need our refuges, were we can hide from the bad gankers
We´re an endangered species y´know

So I consider Ryzom a sort of "Carebear Nature Resever" and I´m pretty happy about it.
Out there are so many great PvP games, with all kinds of Loot-Options.
And another is banging on the wall and sharpening its knives, so to say.
Now I don´t want to to tell you "Go there and leave us alone". No!
That would be rude and cliché.
No, I just think it´s fine how it is at the moment, some games offer this, others offer that. To each their own. Not all games "need" to be the same and not all games "need" a fluffy purple hat to look good, some games are unique for what they are and for what they will hopefully stay.
Ryzom is unique and will hopefully stay so.
So, I hope I did my best to not sound like the typical response you normally get on forums to these kinds of questions and I hope you´ll see my reason.
Have fun playing
Edit: Ah, and I agree that the "market" should get an overhaul in some significant way. Yes.
While trading materials is all nice and fun. I´m sometimes almost ashamed to tell Newcomers how "inflationary" the Dapper is. XD
It´s embarrassing. Trading goods and materials is all nice and fine to a degree, but I´m sure something can be done about it, to make
things a bit more exciting, without including full loot option.
(Carebear extraordinaire)
In these areas there already are materials that can be found there exclusively.
Supreme Materials in white / black are exclusive to the Prime Roots.
And are/were frequently fought over, at least on Leanon-Server. (German Com.)
For the material in question is limited. And you can´t dig while fighting.

So while you are fighting someone else may forage the special stuff.
Ok, it comes down to numbers and tactics, but it already is an accepted compromise to most PvPers I know.
Now you may call me a Carebear all you want, I´m proud to be one by the way

And, well I´m sorry to disappoint you, but I don´t think this dream of yours will ever come true around here.
Ryzom simply isn´t the game for that. Most players have accepted that and hopefully most that come here in the future will accept that too.
Not all games "need" open PvP, even if its limited.
We carebears need our refuges, were we can hide from the bad gankers

We´re an endangered species y´know

So I consider Ryzom a sort of "Carebear Nature Resever" and I´m pretty happy about it.

Out there are so many great PvP games, with all kinds of Loot-Options.
And another is banging on the wall and sharpening its knives, so to say.
Now I don´t want to to tell you "Go there and leave us alone". No!
That would be rude and cliché.
No, I just think it´s fine how it is at the moment, some games offer this, others offer that. To each their own. Not all games "need" to be the same and not all games "need" a fluffy purple hat to look good, some games are unique for what they are and for what they will hopefully stay.
Ryzom is unique and will hopefully stay so.
So, I hope I did my best to not sound like the typical response you normally get on forums to these kinds of questions and I hope you´ll see my reason.

Have fun playing

Edit: Ah, and I agree that the "market" should get an overhaul in some significant way. Yes.
While trading materials is all nice and fun. I´m sometimes almost ashamed to tell Newcomers how "inflationary" the Dapper is. XD
It´s embarrassing. Trading goods and materials is all nice and fine to a degree, but I´m sure something can be done about it, to make
things a bit more exciting, without including full loot option.
(Carebear extraordinaire)
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Bardentreffen / Atys Kundschafter
Re: PvP with consequences!
But you think Ryzom had a futures with carebearsfunnylands thats the Problem of Ryzom, at the next Patch we will see about the futures of Ryzom. I hope the best in the moment i have fun but i see the boaring things oh i have twohandsaxe on Lv250 ok i make onehandsword for what? I can make all kills with twohandsaxe Lv250! Thats no concept every day kill animals or Flowers. Ok let´s make PvP oh have no PvP
) That Players going away from Ryzom because they can´t make real PvP, yes i think and they away. I look to the next patch and then i see whats coming new in this Game. Ryzom is awaking again but the new Player will see fast what is wrong, how are the Players that pay for this game and give Ryzom a futures. From the Fanboys can´t living this Game! So look to the other Onlinegames and see whats work.

Re: PvP with consequences!
Do you think you can kill everything with a lvl 250 axe? Try to kill a kipucka or a vorax in the pr and let me know how this thing worksgacaxi wrote:But you think Ryzom had a futures with carebearsfunnylands thats the Problem of Ryzom, at the next Patch we will see about the futures of Ryzom. I hope the best in the moment i have fun but i see the boaring things oh i have twohandsaxe on Lv250 ok i make onehandsword for what? I can make all kills with twohandsaxe Lv250! Thats no concept every day kill animals or Flowers. Ok let´s make PvP oh have no PvP) That Players going away from Ryzom because they can´t make real PvP, yes i think and they away. I look to the next patch and then i see whats coming new in this Game. Ryzom is awaking again but the new Player will see fast what is wrong, how are the Players that pay for this game and give Ryzom a futures. From the Fanboys can´t living this Game! So look to the other Onlinegames and see whats work.

And don't think being a lvl 250 nuker makes things easier.
Why you wanna do lvl 250 1he? Maybe because you want to be able to tank effectively?
Despite you speak of carebears, ryzom is enough hardcore as it is.
Well, if you have no fun of course nothing will change it.
PvP have conseguences here, even without full loot, just not directly related to the player (the winner and the looser), but more involves the entire life of a guild. This is not the mindless 'camping for newbie to steal stuff' but more of a political affair in relation with the entire community. That's much better.
Of course this is just my opinion, you are entitled to disagree and prefer something else, and anyway i'm not against some new pvp feature, i just think there are other things to do first.
Nickname registered on www.mynickname.org
Re: PvP with consequences!
thinks i could kill a vorax and kipuka with a spear
been their done it 

Re: PvP with consequences!
Eheh, smart you not using an axemaccer16 wrote:thinks i could kill a vorax and kipuka with a spearbeen their done it

Nickname registered on www.mynickname.org
Re: PvP with consequences!
could probley do it with a boosted vedice axe not sure never tried tbh
Re: PvP with consequences!
If you want your point to get through, make it so the reader doesn't get an instant headache right from the first line.
PvP with a purpose ? Sure, go ahead. Looting ? No thanks ! It brings along a crappy atmosphere and hateful community. FFA PvP with loot is NOT the only possible future in the gaming industry, there are other games that provide the option and Ryzom provides for the type of gamer that DOESN'T need it to enjoy a game.
PvP with loot will NOT be in the next patch, don't even dream about it. In fact, it's been shown (at least twice) in the past that adding PvP features to Ryzom game has driven more people away than attracted any.
Up to now, the owners have shown us that they want the game to succeed and to stay faithful to itself. Becoming a carbon copy of another game won't do it.
PvP with a purpose ? Sure, go ahead. Looting ? No thanks ! It brings along a crappy atmosphere and hateful community. FFA PvP with loot is NOT the only possible future in the gaming industry, there are other games that provide the option and Ryzom provides for the type of gamer that DOESN'T need it to enjoy a game.
PvP with loot will NOT be in the next patch, don't even dream about it. In fact, it's been shown (at least twice) in the past that adding PvP features to Ryzom game has driven more people away than attracted any.
Up to now, the owners have shown us that they want the game to succeed and to stay faithful to itself. Becoming a carbon copy of another game won't do it.
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New Guild Leader of The Exodus Syndicate
:: Most Loyal Fyros Alive :: Neutral Trader :: Crazy Marshmallow Lady ::
The Exodus Syndicate
"Experience Perfection : Unharness Your Power"
"Ignore the flames or grill your marshmallows on them. Then feed them to the trolls so they keep their mouth shut."
Re: PvP with consequences!
Gacaxi, have you seen OP Wars? IMO, Ryzom has the best concept of PvP with consequence right there. If you are not familiar with OP Wars, you are missing out on the one of the best parts of Ryzom.
- Posts: 15
- Joined: Sun Aug 24, 2008 5:55 am
Re: PvP with consequences!
Pvp does hold some sort of Risk in ryzom.
I know All gear has durability points and once depleted the gear breaks forever.
Right there you have Gear loss.
You don't need to loot gear off people because mostly everything in game is easily crafted and the mats they have are mehhh.
OP battles and Durability loss is good enough imo.
I know it isnt Eve or Darkfall but this game is unique and fun imo.
I know All gear has durability points and once depleted the gear breaks forever.
Right there you have Gear loss.
You don't need to loot gear off people because mostly everything in game is easily crafted and the mats they have are mehhh.
OP battles and Durability loss is good enough imo.
I know it isnt Eve or Darkfall but this game is unique and fun imo.
IGN: Minmataro