Would you pay?

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Re: Would you pay?

Post by thlau »

Yes, no question I will pay.

I strayed apart with some premier MMO projects in the past, and returned to Ryzom, because it is for more advanced in so many aspects, it is sad to don't see the things that make Ryzom unique in other games.

When I sum how much money I payed to SOE, NCSoft and Funcom during the past 2.5 years, I easily can play Ryzom for 8 years at the current rates with the same amount.

And now for the amount of a monthly subscription free for 8EUR. I can't even spend the night at the movies for that much.
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Re: Would you pay?

Post by acridiel »

Definitively, Yes!
For above reasons.
Many people that try to compare Ryzom to other F2Ps sadly don´t see what it is that makes Ryzom unique and special, for all the "fluff" that others offer.

Well, I´ll gladly pay and I´ll be ever hopeful that our money is put to good use.

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Re: Would you pay?

Post by kiakaha »

Definitely! I'll pay with 2 accts at least, maybe 3. The only reason Ryzom was free for these past months was that the devs needed to get things set up (I understand there was a lot of red tape) and that they apparently figured it wasn't fair to charge us while things were still betaish.

This game needs money to come in, and I'll gladly help with that.
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Re: Would you pay?

Post by fiach »

tentitans wrote:
With free games SIMILAR to Ryzom, in some ways and not others, games like Regnum Online, Runes of Magic, Planeshift, ]
None of them are similar to Ryzom, the only common denominator is they are all MMO's, its like saying milk is similar to coke, because they are both drinks.

Either you get Ryzom or you dont, its a beautiful game with very elegant mechanics, if you call it mediocre, then you dont get Ryzom.

Maybe its your level and you havent experienced enough of Ryzom, but its an awesome game and I have played most other MMO's both F2P and P2P, Ryzom is my virtual home, I never felt that in any other MMO.

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Re: Would you pay?

Post by kiakaha »

fiach wrote:None of them are similar to Ryzom, the only common denominator is they are all MMO's, its like saying milk is similar to coke, because they are both drinks.

Either you get Ryzom or you dont, its a beautiful game with very elegant mechanics, if you call it mediocre, then you dont get Ryzom.

Maybe its your level and you havent experienced enough of Ryzom, but its an awesome game and I have played most other MMO's both F2P and P2P, Ryzom is my virtual home, I never felt that in any other MMO.
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Re: Would you pay?

Post by dazoo »

tentitans wrote:You can't say they are comepletly different, every concept is the same, I am starting to think you don't have a clue what these games even are, the reason I use these three, is if you mix them together, you have Ryzom. I am guessing none of you have ever even heard of Planeshift or Regnum, and you just assume they are the same as ROM, it isn't like coke and milk, it is like coke, and cherry coke, and vannilla coke, and coke zero, exept the last 3 are free.
So, mixing together three F2P games should = Ryzom being F2P?

I'm thinking that Ryzom is one game, and unique in itself, but then again what do I know... every concept for F2P games in essence is the same, that would be why they are free.

Ryzom, plain and simple is different, be it P2P or F2P... Hate the game or love it, it is still different.
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Re: Would you pay?

Post by kiakaha »

tentitans wrote:You can't say they are comepletly different, every concept is the same, I am starting to think you don't have a clue what these games even are, the reason I use these three, is if you mix them together, you have Ryzom. I am guessing none of you have ever even heard of Planeshift or Regnum, and you just assume they are the same as ROM, it isn't like coke and milk, it is like coke, and cherry coke, and vannilla coke, and coke zero, exept the last 3 are free.
I love coke, but despise cherry and vanilla coke. Coke zero I can stand but it's really not my favourite. What do I care, then, if they are free? Just because they are similar does not mean that my attitude towards them will be similar.

(Disclaimer: I haven't played any of those, just wanted to mess with the metaphor :P )
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Re: Would you pay?

Post by fiach »

tentitans wrote:You can't say they are comepletly different, every concept is the same, I am starting to think you don't have a clue what these games even are, the reason I use these three, is if you mix them together, you have Ryzom. I am guessing none of you have ever even heard of Planeshift or Regnum, and you just assume they are the same as ROM, it isn't like coke and milk, it is like coke, and cherry coke, and vannilla coke, and coke zero, exept the last 3 are free.

I dont have to know what they are, I am not disparaging them, but even by your own arguement, you imply only by combining the three, do they become like ryzom, therefore ......

Not interested in continuing this discussion, its my opinion of Ryzom, I dont have an opinion on the other games, you have your opinion, thats cool with me too.

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