Tournament of the Four Peoples
Hosted by Ballistic Mystix
Attention! All homins of all skill levels and experience are invited to participate in the Tournament of the Four Peoples to be held across the lands of Atys the weekend of April 3, 2009.
Competition will consist of both individual and team events.
All who participate in each individual competition category will be eligible to be named Champions of the Tournament.
Event Categories:
Individual combat: 1 Hand, 2 Hand, Close Combat and Hand to Hand
Team combat: 3v3, 5v5 and 9v9.
Individual marathon: Foot Race, Mektoub Race
Team Relay(9 members): Foot Relay, Mektoub Relay.
Prizes will be awarded to winners of each event and Tournament Champions.
Schedule of events and rules are posted on Ballistic Mystix forums at
Sign-up by sending Ryzom-mail to Nexie by March 31, 2009. Individuals indicate category(ies) in which you wish to sign-up and your current constitution (if competing in combat category). Team captain indicated category(ies) in which your team wishes to sign-up and list team members.
Prize donations are accepted and guilds/individuals will be noted as sponsors of the event.
Tournament of the Four Peoples Announcement
Tournament of the Four Peoples Announcement
Last edited by inifuss on Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Tournament of the Four Peoples Announcement
Event is moving forward. Please sign up. Hoping a big turnout will ensure a great time.-Kil
Re: Tournament of the Four Peoples Announcement
Yep with the honor point back in place I'm looking forward to see some faction items used + many sparring battles to earn them *g*

Re: Tournament of the Four Peoples Announcement
Informational meeting (or two) will be held this weekend for those with questions regarding the tournament. Message will be broadcast in unichat.
Re: Tournament of the Four Peoples Announcement
Only 8 days left to get signed up for the Tournament!! Don't miss out on the fantastic prizes!!
Re: Tournament of the Four Peoples Announcement
Sadly enough I have a big Bday party that weekend, but if i get the chance ill deffo come take a look
And ill see if I can find any leftovers from Infinity to maybe sponsor 

Kami kami kamilion!//Elder of Atys
Kami kami kamilion!//Elder of Atys
Re: Tournament of the Four Peoples Announcement
Aww.. Thanks! Look forward to seeing you in game.
Re: Tournament of the Four Peoples Announcement
Come on people, don't be shy! Sign up, looking forward to exciting matches!

Re: Tournament of the Four Peoples Announcement
Just a few more days to sign up the March 31 deadline is quickly approaching!!
Re: Tournament of the Four Peoples Announcement
Id like to sign up for this but weekend of April 3rd is a vague time. How can we know if we are able to attend, (particularly when you are trying to form a team and they ask when)?
Also is there any chance of removing the must be the same race for the team events?
Also is there any chance of removing the must be the same race for the team events?