Patch 1 - Cliff's Notes Version

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Re: Patch 1 - Cliff's Notes Version

Post by elfmatic »

So... you mean we can actually SIT on that little strap of leather over their backs? and... and... maybe you hold on to the little handle there so you don't fall off? Wooooooooow....

Raynes you moron. I need to find something to sell you cause you'll buy anything. But I won't go further because if you STILL want to dispute Gorran's point even with these screen shots of Mektaub with SADDLES then you are, by definition, insane.

Zzei - I've enjoyed your company in game but I think you took a personal offense to this whole thing which was not intended. I am as eager for the storyline as anyone else is, note my post in the Events forum about the raids and missing people. But every day I play this Software Game I am smacked in the face with dozens of bugs that patches are intended to fix. Software patches fix software bugs. My argument is that they mixed story line update and patch notes and that was a bad thing to do. Those first few paragraphs on the main site look great from the storyline aspect, but then they break down into technical information differentiating characters from players and talking about character creation. Now where does character creation play into the story of ryzom? Where does forgetting every skill you ever knew, dropping your HP, Stam, Sap, and focus down to 100, and giving you the ability to relearn and adjust all of that play into the STORY of Ryzom?

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Re: Patch 1 - Cliff's Notes Version

Post by zzeii »

It is of my opinion that mixing story line with an update was a nice touch. Your opinion is different. I can respect that. How one conveys that opinion is up to the person on a specific basis. But to quote cerest post on Netiquette:

* This forum's readers include people from many different cultures with their own standards and forms of communication. Take into account possible misunderstandings – on your own part or someone else's – even when statements seem straightforward. Try to assume an attitude of mutual respect, listening, and learning. Also keep in mind that many participants are not reading and writing in their first languages. However, please feel free for a lively and engaged discussion.

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With the reduction in cost in spells, adjusting the magic starter pack, and readjusting the harvesting branch (as well as adding a new skill tree in melee crafting), a refund of the skill points spent was a logical (if drastic) choice of action. Finding a way of explaining a mass amnesia due to the further influence of the spreading goo is a possible explanation, causing temporary weakness of body and mind, but easily restored with some training. Far-fetched and doesn't completely explain it, but hey, I'm not the one guiding this storyline. They are doing the best they can with a situation, and no one is perfect. Just like the old saying goes 'You can't please all the people all the time.'
Poker of things, caster of sparklies, maker of stuff, digger of dirt, wanderer of paths....
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Re: Patch 1 - Cliff's Notes Version

Post by jurism »

I am sure Crest will post some of the notes soon, but i found this one in the german forums where i hang out too... enjoy the read! some "real" notes.

i enjoy the patch notes combined with story elements but i have to say that there are things you cant wrap into some sort of storyline... some i am sure it will be like: main features are goin to be introduced by the storyline on the mainsite, bug fixes and smaller changes will be mentioned in the old-fashioned patch notes.

Chapter One, Patch One


. All stanzas, actions and characters’ stats have been reset. However, we have given back all the skill points to your characters. This is due to a major balancing in the actions / stanzas costs.

[ M i s c e l l a n e o u s ]

. Some raw materials have new icons.
. Some fixes in character creation overview.
. Adjustment in the word wrapping and use of lines when you are writing long sentences.
. Improvement to the targeted name layout system.
. In your mission interface, the title of the mission should not overflow the window anymore.
. Balancing on faction requirements for certain tasks.
. Removed the ‘too far’ message when you start an extraction and your character starts to move towards it.
. Blinded mobs will behave differently now.
. Balanced the link actions such as: stun, which was not really stunning the mob, as a result mobs should not dodge anymore when stunned.
. When using a zone effect or a double effects action spell, a wearing effect happen once on item / armor / focus. However, if you fight with 2 weapons it will have a wearing effect your armor twice (once per weapon)
. Sap crystal casts didn’t play animation.
. Mobs were running far too fast when using an alternative path in a fight, that is when they were blocked the first time when going to enemy.
. Various fixes in player apartment / guild inventory:
. Display of max bulk from player apartment.
. Fix on bulk update when swapping partial stacks (only 1 item was taken into account).
. Fix on display of max bulk from guild inventory.
. Fix on guild inventory bulk.
. Inventory window now shut down when quitting guild house or player apartment.
. Fix on max bulk for player apartment.
. Only some Raw Materials can be sold by NPCs now and not all of them.
. You can now crystalize a spell even if you target yourself.
. Fixed the bug when 2 players had the same missions and were in the same group, only the group leader was validation his mission steps.
. When you open a mission window with an NPC, you can no longer use the hand on your handbar.
. You can now free dead mektoub packers.
. Fixed the command for mektoub packers to follow his owner.


[ G e n e r a l ]

. You can now use the ‘tab’ key at the login screen to swap between login
and password !
. Magic amplifiers are now gauntlets, no more batons.
. Added some filters when trading with merchants for easier trades.
. Hitting escape will now close most of the in-game windows.
. Mission contextual cursor has priority on trade windows.
. Added some text descriptions when trading.
. The merchant system is now live. It enables you to sell any sellable items, goods as long as they are not worn (they need to be 'new' in order to be sellable by the merchant) . You need to go see a merchant, the merchant will then take your item for a minimum price and you can then define your own selling price. Your selling price is the price displayed for other players. If your item is bought by another player, you will then get your selling price minus dappers given to you by the NPC. An item can remain on sale only 7 days.

[ G a m e p l a y c h a n g e s & i m p r o v m e n t ]

. Wear has been reviewed after taking into consideration fast weapons users. As a result, it is now proportional to the damage factor of the weapon and/or the ammunition. So, if your weapon has a damage factor twice bigger, it will wear twice as much per hit (but its damage rate is two times bigger at equivalent speed).
. Quitting the game or teleporting are now considered as gameplay actions and thus can be interrupted when moving or being hit. If you leave the game in a non normal way, your character will stay a bit in game and could be hit or killed.
. Adjustment of guild inventory capacity.
. Lots of balancing on spells and resists.
. ‘Multiple spots’ bricks don’t find a random amount of resources anymore between 1 and the figure on the brick, but exactly the figure as stated on the brick.
. Updates of extraction bricks are no more in 50, but on 10. They do cost less now.
. A specialized extraction per material gave a quality higher then that of the stanza’s quality. From now on, the extraction specialization per material increases the speed of rise of the quality, reduces the risk from most aggressive brick, while specialization by ecosystem decreases the risk of bricks of quantity and quality the most aggressive. For care plans, the specialization increases depending on the efficiency of the preservation and stability.
. Improvment to the consider system for a better overview of your oponent strength.

[ F o r a g i n g ]

Here is a non exhaustive liste of changes regarding foraging in Chapter 1: 'Changing times' .


- Added new stanzas in order to refine your search of sources to a specific raw material quality. eg: "Find Up To Choice Materials" can now be upgraded with "Find Only Choice Materials"

- You can now reduce the explosion damages. In order to do that, you need to activate, before the source explodes the stanzas "Reduce Explosion Damage".


- Messages about specialized prospection failures are now more specific: hints about wrong saison, wrong time of the day, wrong meteo (instead of the generic "at the moment")
- The delay before not exploited sources vanishe is not function of the player's level anymore but function of the number of sources prospected at once ("Multiple spots" stanza)
- The "Multiple spots" stanza does not reveal a random number of sources between 1 and the indicated number anymore, but the very indicated figure on the stanza.
- Ecosystem oriented prospection activated with a "normal" prospection (without Deposit Tracking), won't boost the number of available sources anymore but the harvested quantity (Rate stanza is then boosted).
- "Prospecting Plan" and "Deposit Tracking" descriptions have been revamped in order to make their subtilities clearer for a better gameplay experience. Reading them is highly recommanded to any harvesters.

- Extraction quality stanzas are now upgraded 10 by 10 at the trainer (you will then find 25 aggressives and 25 gentles). The higher the quality, the more important the difference of danger between gentle and aggressive is.
- Extraction time is now function of the quality extraction stanza. The prospection stanza "source time" is now a time bonus. When you just have that time left (the time based on the quality is gone) the time bar becomes red.
- During foraging, quality can now grows faster or slower.
1°) The better the quality is expected, the slower the quality grows .
2°) When the quality expected is 10 below the player's level : higher the difference between the expected quality and the player's level, slower the quality grows. Ex: I have a 200 lvl in Desert speciality and it's my first time in the forest (50 is then my lvl in Forest speciality) I can forage for a quality of 200 with a very slowly growing quality or forage for a quality of 50 growing faster. It is more crucial then ever to take care of the source if a high quality is expected. Furthermore, if you decide to use another stanza regarding the quality during foraging, the quality will change after a while. Note : in order to maximise the use of the available time, you would better carely prepare your actions, keep in mind that your focus does not lasts forever ! Ex: instead of trying to have both high quality and quantity, focus more on one of them.

- Bars shown on top of a source are now all full at start, and show the remaining proportion. For instance the quantity bar half empty shows that the available quantity has been half extracted; you can however still see the exact amount of extracted quantity the same way as before. The remaining time bar gets empty faster if the initial amount of available time is lower.
- The risks bars (life and stability) do not stop anymore when the player end foraging : they still get slowly lower.
- The max distance between the source and the harvester has been decreased. It's now more difficult to get far from a toxic cloud.
- The source mode, which is a hint about the more simulated dangers, is not changed by a new action anymore but by events such as explosion / toxic clouds or if you reach the source max quality. Furthermore, the difficulty is based on the first harvester on the source, so a beginner player being helped by a higher level healer won't see the danger bars lower as quickly as if the harvester was the healer, as it was before.
- Heal stanzas are more efficient than before.
- The raw material specialised extraction won't boost the quality over the quality extraction stanza value anymore, but boosts the growth of the quality (but the quality remains maximised by the extraction stanza's one), decreases the risks implied by the more aggressive speed stanzas (the most powerful). On the other hand the ecosystem specializations decrease the risks implied by the most aggressive (powerfull) quantity and quality stanzas. Regarding the healing actions, specialisations respectively increase preservation and stability.
- Armor penalty is now part of the system regarding focus consumption. The armor is now taken into acount when calculing raw materials sources explosions damages.
- Foraging XP now takes into account the extracted raw material quality.

- Sources can't pop up on statical obstacles (trees), in the middle of the water, nor inside or on buildings.
- Some dependance between stanzas have been fixed.
- The quantity of damages caused by a supreme material source has been modified.
- Sources healers' XP has been revamped (it's now a portion of the foraging XP, and rely on the number of explosion and toxic coulds).

Patch 21

This patch includes a large number of small bug fixes, a handful of user interface improvements, an upgrade to the merchant system and the addition of a new in-game music player. The latter allows music of any sort to be played during the game. It will be extended at a later date for improved integration into the game world.

Merchant system fixes and upgrades:
. Added more and better filters for the merchant system.
. Added the possibility to view all of the items that you have put up for sale, including the ones for sale on different continents.
. Added a 'refresh' button in the merchant system.
. Merged the 2 frst tabs in the merchant interface into a single one, creating a single list of items for sale from the merchant for somplicity.
. Added a system for 'releasing' items from the merchants' 'for sale' list.

. CHANGED: The danger bars for forage sources now drop at a steadier rate.
. CHANGED: The XP gain for players performing only suring up/ stabilization actions on forage sources is now related to the effectiveness of the players in preventing explosions and other such problems.
. BUGFIX: It is now possible to sell used items to NPC merchants though it is still not possible to add used items into the for sale pool.
. BUGFIXES: Miscelaneous fixes in the trading systems.

Running away from mobs
. The Speed Power is now available from all tainers and not just the fight trainer.
Mobs will now tend to give up on players who they have been pursuing at a more reasonable distance than before.

. A new text over the player's head to indicate that there has been an event (such as dodge, parry, critical hit) that they can react to if they have appropriate 'opening' actions.
. There have been bug fixes AI behaviour relating to attacking players at different heights from the mobs and bug fixes in mob obstacle avoidance.
. The ballance of players' and mobs' chances to dodging and parrying eachothers' attacks has been improved.
. A bug relating to the consider icon in the target window has been fixed. It is now shown properly.

Miscelaneous interface improvements
. The compass is now updated better when targetting moving NPCs.
. In the action book interface there's now an option to allow one to unfold more than one section of the skill tree at a time.
. The sorting system for items in the inventory has been improved.
. Added a better item description that reflects the statistics of the item including the class of the item (basic, fine, etc) and the primary trait of the item (speed, durability, etc).

Mektoub bug fixes
. Mektoubs should no longer vanish until 6 days after they have been killed, even if the player logs out and back in.
. It was not possible to liberate all Mektoubs that were out of range.

. Added a native music player to the game.
. Miscelaneous text problems resolved in english, french and german

Shamos on Cho

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Re: Patch 1 - Cliff's Notes Version

Post by buzyb77 »

nice 0000000000
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Re: Patch 1 - Cliff's Notes Version

Post by raynes »

elfmatic wrote: Raynes you moron.
Yeah!!!! I've been called a moron twice in one day. That's ok becuase there are many of you that I feel the exact same way about.

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Re: Patch 1 - Cliff's Notes Version

Post by evalisa »

Ok, as a note:
the patch infomation posted in RP format is not the patch notes, but, for example a "Trailer" for a movie, designed to give you infomation on what its about, and make it enjoyable to read

Patch Notes are what jurism posted, and will be given either closer to the patch or durin the patch
It's Prttey fnuny how we can raed tihs einrte snetnece wtih all tehse ltters all out of palce, and we can cnotniue to keep raednig and sitll mekas snece of waht we are raeding. No mttar how mnay tmies you raed tihs oevr and oevr you can sitll mkae snece of it.
How is taht pssoible?
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Re: Patch 1 - Cliff's Notes Version

Post by gralen »

raynes wrote:Oh really? Since when is a packer a mount? Do you ride your packer? No, it's something you put stuff on and walk beside. It's not different than if you were putting stuff on a mule in real life and walking beside it.
Are you really trying to claim that there are not two types of Mektoubs standing outside of every stable? There is a dark one with a pack and a light (nearly white) one with a saddle.

I'm not going to call you names nor am I going to stoop to emotional arguements with you. Why should I when your own posts show exactly who you really are?

jurism, thanks for the notes.
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Re: Patch 1 - Cliff's Notes Version

Post by sputniik »

Well, I for one enjoyed Elf's post. I didn't have the patience to read through the Chapter 1 update and decipher it for myself.. and I'm sure I would've missed a lot of it even if I tried.

I also liked the *slight* sarcasm in his delivery.

... and then the first few replies he gets are over-reactive flame posts. Seriously, what's the big deal.. it's not like he straight out bashed the rp of it.. he just made fun of it a little. Because to non-rpers like myself, all that flowery talk seems a bit silly.. in a good way.
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