1. Snipers
2. 3rd faction
3. Able to have Pets
4. Limitation of Guildcount at OP
5. the first 4 points pls.
Your top 5 "wants"
Re: Your top 5 "wants"
I can think of lots of things, but here are a few:
1) Larger apartment space. Or let us buy more than one apartment (one in each building perhaps? Double the price for each additional apartment) -- Let us decorate our apartments.
2) Ability to visit other player's apartments (with other people in it - maybe each building would have an address board so we can look the other players up and enter the apartment).
3) Make the mail system like that other game (WoW). Let us send items, dappers, etc through the mail, COD mail. Make it so we have to go to a mailbox to get our mail. Give us a mail-waiting indicator. Return unread mail to the sender.
4) Let us add offline users to our friend list.
5) Move away from the TP ticket system. Let us just pay a fee to use the TP, rather than have to have a ticket in our inventory.
1) Larger apartment space. Or let us buy more than one apartment (one in each building perhaps? Double the price for each additional apartment) -- Let us decorate our apartments.
2) Ability to visit other player's apartments (with other people in it - maybe each building would have an address board so we can look the other players up and enter the apartment).
3) Make the mail system like that other game (WoW). Let us send items, dappers, etc through the mail, COD mail. Make it so we have to go to a mailbox to get our mail. Give us a mail-waiting indicator. Return unread mail to the sender.
4) Let us add offline users to our friend list.
5) Move away from the TP ticket system. Let us just pay a fee to use the TP, rather than have to have a ticket in our inventory.
Last edited by teylini on Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Your top 5 "wants"
I agree on all parts, especially the last one, which I got more ideas about:teylini wrote:I can think of lots of things, but here are a few:
1) Larger apartment space. Or let us buy more than one apartment (one in each building perhaps? Double the price for each additional apartment) -- Let us decorate our apartments.
2) Ability to visit other player's apartments (with other people in it - maybe each building would have an address board so we can look the other players up and enter the apartment).
3) Make the mail system like that other game (WoW). Let us send items, dappers, etc through the mail, COD mail. Make it so we have to go to a mailbox to get our mail. Give us a mail-waiting indicator. Return unread mail to the sender.
4) Let us add offline users to our friend list.
5) Move away from the TP ticket system. Let us just pay a fee to use the TP, rather than have to have a ticket in our inventory.
You still have to walk to the tp the first time to have access to it (fame still relevant where applicable), and perhaps you have to pay 20k to be "granted access" to the tp. Then each time you use it, it would cost 10k, since that's what a new pact costs. (This is good, you will never forget to buy a new one, and also don't have to store spare tickets elsewhere..

Re: Your top 5 "wants"
Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!!teylini wrote:5) Move away from the TP ticket system. Let us just pay a fee to use the TP, rather than have to have a ticket in our inventory.
Just that one!
That will do me fine

Never forget ticket ever again

Re: Your top 5 "wants"
pfft get swimming to FH abizabizmal wrote:Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!!
Just that one!
That will do me fine
Never forget ticket ever again
Re: Your top 5 "wants"
1. More information in regard to Ryzom's future
2. More players/newbies
3. Randomized timers on bosses (
4. More content ie: more things to do besides digging, crafting, OP wars.
5. Billing to be up and running.
There are more, but thats 5 off the top of my head.
2. More players/newbies
3. Randomized timers on bosses (

4. More content ie: more things to do besides digging, crafting, OP wars.
5. Billing to be up and running.
There are more, but thats 5 off the top of my head.

"Be careful what you wish for..."
Proud Member of Knights Leviers
Proud Member of Knights Leviers
Re: Your top 5 "wants"
1. Keep Ryzom Alive
2. Keep Ryzom Alive
3. Keep Ryzom Alive
4. Keep Ryzom Alive
5. Keep Ryzom Alive 4ever
thats my 5 top wants for Ryzom
2. Keep Ryzom Alive
3. Keep Ryzom Alive
4. Keep Ryzom Alive
5. Keep Ryzom Alive 4ever
thats my 5 top wants for Ryzom

Re: Your top 5 "wants"
Can I ramble on and go into detail, or is this supposed to be brief which is why they specified "top 5"? I keep trying to be concise, and then rambling on again. I'll avoid posting until I figure out what to do.
I notice there's no sticky for game improvements people want. Then again, that just means it slid off.
I notice there's no sticky for game improvements people want. Then again, that just means it slid off.
Re: Your top 5 "wants"
Exactly. I think the Ring (user content) is the future of this game. The only thing I put above the Ring in importance is getting more people in the game. Because making the Ring work better and marketing the game are done by different people they could be worked on at the same time. Here are just a few ideas:rdfall wrote:We have more than enough creative people. But you can't expect anyone to sacrifice any time they could be playing to just SIT in their scenario waiting for somebody to join... And of course nobody ever goes to the ring terminals if there is never a scenario up. The ring could be great fun, acting out stories and such. Even if only 1% of the people creates a couple of scenarios, that still means we'll have a hundred or more online to choose from. That is, IF the scenarios get the ability to stay online without their owner in them. (maybe even when the owner is offline)
Events staged by GMs could be in the Ring. Reduces travel time and offers a controlled environment. Events are easily set-up and changed at will. Allows running the same event at different times. No changes are needed other than bug fixing. Players could even make the basic maps used by the GMs.
Apartments are just storage rooms at present. Instead, let players build their apartments in the Ring. Change the present apartment to a storage room (crates, gear, mats stacked up and lying about). Change the apartment keeper to offer two choices to the player – storage room (owner only), and a Ring entrance to a true apartment. The apartment owner would have to be present to allow entrance (same as any Ring scenario now).
Minor changes to the apartment keeper, perhaps some changes to what can be built in the ring - provide several basic layouts, furniture, art, etc. Setting up an apartment could be an endless dapper sink if the items are for sale.
The same can be done for Guild houses as well. The present ones are cramped for even for a small guild, hopeless for a large one. The same can be done to create bars, clubs, gambling halls, stores, tattoo parlors, etc. etc. More dapper sinks = money has value again.
Eventually, I like to see player made scenarios available all the time. Perhaps a group of player volunteers would be willing to test scenarios submitted by other players for bugs, exploits, fun-ability and if the devs approve (doing their own testing perhaps) those could be set up to be always active.
Perhaps new PvP spaces & scenarios could be done via the Ring. Again the spaces would be setup by players, tested by players, and then left active by the devs.
Quite a few mentioned the “Canopy” or other lands to explore. I’d like to see that too. Perhaps the Ring can be used for that as well.
Players could design ‘pieces’ of the canopy that the dev team would fit together as they see fit, adding background art (sky as now, the planet below, wind, weather, etc.) The canopy would grow as more people made little sections to be included. Atys would really seem to be a giant growing plant if you could do that. This would require a lot more dev work, artists, new mobs, and so on, but it would be much less than doing it all from scratch.
Other little touches I’d like to see:
Sitting in chairs. Too much trouble, fine - make the homins a chairless people, but provide carpets, pillows, low tables and such that are appropriate for a chairless people – think Japan and Arabia.
Make food, drink, furniture, art (picture of that giant kittin would sell well), and so forth craftable items and thus dapper sinks. Designing clothes (not just armor) would be great too – probably too difficult given the slider bars in the character creation screen so allow dying fabric & texture choices.
Make jewelry visible. People don’t just wear jewelry for stats & resists. I know it would be small, but I’m sure you guys can come with something that could be seen – wide bracelets, multiple anklets, shiny rings.
Think about allowing approved 3D designed items into the game after an appropriate approval process. Player enthusiasts, most of whom didn’t know diddly about using 3D programs before they started, designed nearly all the ships in Pirates of the Burning Sea. The ships are beautiful and the best thing about that game.
Last edited by rakehell on Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The problems we face today won't be solved by the same minds that created them. - Einstein
Re: Your top 5 "wants"
Ok. I just thought of a #1 want.
Make the rite reward from "Natural Resources of Atys" - "Trykers and lake materials" be one that you can TURN OFF, like a stanza that you add to prospecting.
Why? Because I knew I hadn't made the mistake of doing this rite 3 years ago when I played. And then today I checked my encyclopedia and lo and behold, there is was, completed. The ONE thing you can screw up on your character, and I did it.
Make the rite reward from "Natural Resources of Atys" - "Trykers and lake materials" be one that you can TURN OFF, like a stanza that you add to prospecting.
Why? Because I knew I hadn't made the mistake of doing this rite 3 years ago when I played. And then today I checked my encyclopedia and lo and behold, there is was, completed. The ONE thing you can screw up on your character, and I did it.
Zorai CoralVine
The Soul
R.I.P. Infinity
The Soul
R.I.P. Infinity
healer & digger