Excitement about Patch One
Re: Excitement about Patch One
I don't think it will be as bad as what people think. I always see a 'sky is falling' type attitude in any game I play about changes that are on the way and all it takes is a little adaptation to get used to the changes and find ways to use them to your advantage. Then when people start to realise that the changes were for the good of the game and that they work they usually simmer down and start enjoying themselves again. 

Koriir - Matis Magician!
Florri - Tryker

Florri - Tryker

Re: Excitement about Patch One
This is taken from the american board as a display of how horrible patch 1 will be for foragers, you can read the whole post there I just selected the forage part. Once again I say Clueless devs
"10. Now we come to Foraging. Foraging has gone from my favourite past time to my most hated skill. This is why. The new changes FORCE people to group in order to adequately ensure that a source does not run out before materials can be pulled.
This is due to the fact that the stanzas making up an extract brick are so prohibitively expensive on focus & material sources die too quickly if you don't have a careplanner.
The use of careplanning is a MUST at the Q150 mats we were harvesting on the server. Now that is fine except for the fact that:
a. Careplanners get bupkiss in terms of XP compared to the actual person pulling the mats.
b. The -32 focus credit is gone with no intermediates in between -24 and -64. This in combination with the increased costs of stanzas that make up the brick make a forage pull extremely expensive on one's focus pool. In a team of two using adequate level appropriate speed, rates, quality & careplans the both of us completely drained our focus pool of 1500+ on ONE pull that took in all of 5 mats of Q140. This barely gave me 300 XP and the puller 1100 XP. This is absolutely unacceptable in terms of meeting material needs for crafters & meeting an XP rate for decent character progression especially for the careplanner.
I realise that there was concern that foragers were levelling too quickly but this is the entire opposite end of the spectrum here folks. Those of you who have high forage and access to the ATS server should check it out immediately. If we get on the Devs case there is still time to salvage the situation. After all if anything, foragers spend a lot of time levelling as it is and melee/magic level much faster, rapidly outstripping the abilities of our guild crafters to meet level appropriate gear for the guild.
THERE IS STILL TIME TO REMEDY THE SITUATION NEVRAX, I HOPE YOU REALISE THAT YOU HAVE SWUNG FROM ONE EXTREME TO THE OTHER. There is something wrong when you have a profession devoted to providing mats (Foragers) not be able to provide them in an abundance greater than what a hunting party would bring in.
Also foraging is enjoyable as a solo hobby. Please allow those of us who enjoy this aspect of the game (and there are many) to continue. It makes no sense to drag an ability down when it could be enhanced. That is, why nerf things for people who like to harvest instead of giving bonuses for grouping such as group material increases, stability increases while harvesting in groups etc."
"10. Now we come to Foraging. Foraging has gone from my favourite past time to my most hated skill. This is why. The new changes FORCE people to group in order to adequately ensure that a source does not run out before materials can be pulled.
This is due to the fact that the stanzas making up an extract brick are so prohibitively expensive on focus & material sources die too quickly if you don't have a careplanner.
The use of careplanning is a MUST at the Q150 mats we were harvesting on the server. Now that is fine except for the fact that:
a. Careplanners get bupkiss in terms of XP compared to the actual person pulling the mats.
b. The -32 focus credit is gone with no intermediates in between -24 and -64. This in combination with the increased costs of stanzas that make up the brick make a forage pull extremely expensive on one's focus pool. In a team of two using adequate level appropriate speed, rates, quality & careplans the both of us completely drained our focus pool of 1500+ on ONE pull that took in all of 5 mats of Q140. This barely gave me 300 XP and the puller 1100 XP. This is absolutely unacceptable in terms of meeting material needs for crafters & meeting an XP rate for decent character progression especially for the careplanner.
I realise that there was concern that foragers were levelling too quickly but this is the entire opposite end of the spectrum here folks. Those of you who have high forage and access to the ATS server should check it out immediately. If we get on the Devs case there is still time to salvage the situation. After all if anything, foragers spend a lot of time levelling as it is and melee/magic level much faster, rapidly outstripping the abilities of our guild crafters to meet level appropriate gear for the guild.
THERE IS STILL TIME TO REMEDY THE SITUATION NEVRAX, I HOPE YOU REALISE THAT YOU HAVE SWUNG FROM ONE EXTREME TO THE OTHER. There is something wrong when you have a profession devoted to providing mats (Foragers) not be able to provide them in an abundance greater than what a hunting party would bring in.
Also foraging is enjoyable as a solo hobby. Please allow those of us who enjoy this aspect of the game (and there are many) to continue. It makes no sense to drag an ability down when it could be enhanced. That is, why nerf things for people who like to harvest instead of giving bonuses for grouping such as group material increases, stability increases while harvesting in groups etc."
Re: Excitement about Patch One
Just hit lvl 100 in forest foraging, I hope they dont do this or I will be severely p1ss3d off.pipfugl wrote:This is taken from the american board as a display of how horrible patch 1 will be for foragers, you can read the whole post there I just selected the forage part. Once again I say Clueless devs
"10. Now we come to Foraging. Foraging has gone from my favourite past time to my most hated skill. This is why. The new changes FORCE people to group in order to adequately ensure that a source does not run out before materials can be pulled.
This is due to the fact that the stanzas making up an extract brick are so prohibitively expensive on focus & material sources die too quickly if you don't have a careplanner.
The use of careplanning is a MUST at the Q150 mats we were harvesting on the server. Now that is fine except for the fact that:
a. Careplanners get bupkiss in terms of XP compared to the actual person pulling the mats.
b. The -32 focus credit is gone with no intermediates in between -24 and -64. This in combination with the increased costs of stanzas that make up the brick make a forage pull extremely expensive on one's focus pool. In a team of two using adequate level appropriate speed, rates, quality & careplans the both of us completely drained our focus pool of 1500+ on ONE pull that took in all of 5 mats of Q140. This barely gave me 300 XP and the puller 1100 XP. This is absolutely unacceptable in terms of meeting material needs for crafters & meeting an XP rate for decent character progression especially for the careplanner.
I realise that there was concern that foragers were levelling too quickly but this is the entire opposite end of the spectrum here folks. Those of you who have high forage and access to the ATS server should check it out immediately. If we get on the Devs case there is still time to salvage the situation. After all if anything, foragers spend a lot of time levelling as it is and melee/magic level much faster, rapidly outstripping the abilities of our guild crafters to meet level appropriate gear for the guild.
THERE IS STILL TIME TO REMEDY THE SITUATION NEVRAX, I HOPE YOU REALISE THAT YOU HAVE SWUNG FROM ONE EXTREME TO THE OTHER. There is something wrong when you have a profession devoted to providing mats (Foragers) not be able to provide them in an abundance greater than what a hunting party would bring in.
Also foraging is enjoyable as a solo hobby. Please allow those of us who enjoy this aspect of the game (and there are many) to continue. It makes no sense to drag an ability down when it could be enhanced. That is, why nerf things for people who like to harvest instead of giving bonuses for grouping such as group material increases, stability increases while harvesting in groups etc."
Matis Forager, Armourer and Weapon Crafter
Jack of all trades master of none.
Matis Forager, Armourer and Weapon Crafter
Jack of all trades master of none.
Re: Excitement about Patch One
i like foraging its a fun thing to do, and gives me a reason to explore, i dont knwo if ill still like it after the chnage we will see
Kiira - Allegiance of Power - Matis
Former Hz Icer - Demelza Flameclaw
Kiiras Market Forum
Former Hz Icer - Demelza Flameclaw
Kiiras Market Forum
Re: Excitement about Patch One
I am very excited about patch One....
I learned a leason with the changes to magic (increased SP cost and longer cast times). At the time I over reacted. I found later that this system wasn't that bad after all.
It appears that now magic is returning to a middle ground. Cheaper stanza, more powerful spells.
I also found it interesting that 'people' complained that the Gingo and Ragus of Matis we 'too tough'. After visiting Matis and fighting these 'fearsome' creatures that they were meer fleas of annoyance compare with the cloppers of my home lands of Tryker. (3 Baying Gingo is roughly equivelent to a single Baying clopper).
I have seen that mobs are getting double damage, yet I don't see anyone saying if this is ALL mobs or specific ones.
I have read DoubleTap's views on harvesting - I trust his view point as he is one who knows and really understands this art. The future may not bode will in this field if what is said is true. Harvesting was/is currently 'too' easy.
In the days of 'Material specialisation' 3k XP was the norm, for those who knew and power leveling was 'the norm'.
With its removal came issues with 200+ leveling, but IMO these levels should be hard to reach. (there is nothing after 250...)
With the changes to source mod and stanza's I get the impression of fear from the Harvesters. But it maybe just that a Harvester need to 'go wide' eg level Lake/Forest/Desert/Jungle/Roots - to get the tools (stanza) needed to achieve the higher levels of harvesting.
If you beleive half the posts about quiting - we don't need mats of ql150+ anyway. Because these players (150+) are the ones that are burning out and calling for more content.
Travel and the roots - the difficulties that were place on this have either been overcome by players (Great acheivement by those people, hard work gives great reward and satisfaction). Every 'block' that is introduced can be overcome. The world of Ayts - tried to stop travel but people still travelled.
I wonder what the world would be like if all the mats that are harvested are used by the people. Hopefully we will see that world after Chapter 1.
As a lowish level harvester (lvl90-100) I can harvest currenly about 300 ql99(ql100) mats in about 1 hour.
I don't do anything special I just use harmful extraction at maximum rate and speed, for my level.
With the removal of 'gas avoidance' and fixed source mode the time to get these mats maybe increased, I don't think that its a quiting matter tho.
Chapter 1 is the first step to Chapter 2 (the content we have all been waiting for!)
What this game need really is for the community to start sharing and cooperating.
I couldn't beleive it when I read posts that Tryker had no sources over ql50. After just 2 weeks of play I knew where the ql250 sources were in Tryker. (not because I was FBT, but because I talk to other players)
I could never make the Journey to Matis solo, even tho I knew the route. I asked for help from Sky and joined his party for the trip. This acheive many things. It strengthed the bond between our guilds (Ayts Ghost and Evolution). We often talk, when events are on, like the Shaman, we share sightings and cooperate.
So to all the players who posted about being bored.....
Chapter 1 completely changes the game - time to re-learn how Atys behaves. If suddenly its a bit too hard, see it as a challenge, don't cry nerf.
With the arrival of Chapter 1 we will see more not less post about quitting.
With the gap between Chapter 1 and 2 we will see more posted about quitting.
When Chapter 2 arrives I am sure we will see even more.
As other games come online - some people will leave. Some will return when they find that these new games are just games like every other, and not the magic 'perfect' game they beleive them to be.
Ryzom is not perfect, never has been, dare I say it never will be. However, to me and many others, its different enough from the norm to fulfill my gaming needs at this time.
So - Yay for Chapter 1!
Thank Nevrex - for the 'in character' release notes - It took Sony over a year to realise that that kind of atmosphe build up was need in PlanetSide.
I learned a leason with the changes to magic (increased SP cost and longer cast times). At the time I over reacted. I found later that this system wasn't that bad after all.
It appears that now magic is returning to a middle ground. Cheaper stanza, more powerful spells.
I also found it interesting that 'people' complained that the Gingo and Ragus of Matis we 'too tough'. After visiting Matis and fighting these 'fearsome' creatures that they were meer fleas of annoyance compare with the cloppers of my home lands of Tryker. (3 Baying Gingo is roughly equivelent to a single Baying clopper).
I have seen that mobs are getting double damage, yet I don't see anyone saying if this is ALL mobs or specific ones.
I have read DoubleTap's views on harvesting - I trust his view point as he is one who knows and really understands this art. The future may not bode will in this field if what is said is true. Harvesting was/is currently 'too' easy.
In the days of 'Material specialisation' 3k XP was the norm, for those who knew and power leveling was 'the norm'.
With its removal came issues with 200+ leveling, but IMO these levels should be hard to reach. (there is nothing after 250...)
With the changes to source mod and stanza's I get the impression of fear from the Harvesters. But it maybe just that a Harvester need to 'go wide' eg level Lake/Forest/Desert/Jungle/Roots - to get the tools (stanza) needed to achieve the higher levels of harvesting.
If you beleive half the posts about quiting - we don't need mats of ql150+ anyway. Because these players (150+) are the ones that are burning out and calling for more content.
Travel and the roots - the difficulties that were place on this have either been overcome by players (Great acheivement by those people, hard work gives great reward and satisfaction). Every 'block' that is introduced can be overcome. The world of Ayts - tried to stop travel but people still travelled.
I wonder what the world would be like if all the mats that are harvested are used by the people. Hopefully we will see that world after Chapter 1.
As a lowish level harvester (lvl90-100) I can harvest currenly about 300 ql99(ql100) mats in about 1 hour.
I don't do anything special I just use harmful extraction at maximum rate and speed, for my level.
With the removal of 'gas avoidance' and fixed source mode the time to get these mats maybe increased, I don't think that its a quiting matter tho.
Chapter 1 is the first step to Chapter 2 (the content we have all been waiting for!)
What this game need really is for the community to start sharing and cooperating.
I couldn't beleive it when I read posts that Tryker had no sources over ql50. After just 2 weeks of play I knew where the ql250 sources were in Tryker. (not because I was FBT, but because I talk to other players)
I could never make the Journey to Matis solo, even tho I knew the route. I asked for help from Sky and joined his party for the trip. This acheive many things. It strengthed the bond between our guilds (Ayts Ghost and Evolution). We often talk, when events are on, like the Shaman, we share sightings and cooperate.
So to all the players who posted about being bored.....
Chapter 1 completely changes the game - time to re-learn how Atys behaves. If suddenly its a bit too hard, see it as a challenge, don't cry nerf.
With the arrival of Chapter 1 we will see more not less post about quitting.
With the gap between Chapter 1 and 2 we will see more posted about quitting.
When Chapter 2 arrives I am sure we will see even more.
As other games come online - some people will leave. Some will return when they find that these new games are just games like every other, and not the magic 'perfect' game they beleive them to be.
Ryzom is not perfect, never has been, dare I say it never will be. However, to me and many others, its different enough from the norm to fulfill my gaming needs at this time.
So - Yay for Chapter 1!
Thank Nevrex - for the 'in character' release notes - It took Sony over a year to realise that that kind of atmosphe build up was need in PlanetSide.
Re: Excitement about Patch One
Thats the spirit Borg9 

Re: Excitement about Patch One
>>I couldn't beleive it when I read posts that Tryker had no sources over ql50. After just 2 weeks of play I knew where the ql250 sources were in Tryker. (not because I was FBT, but because I talk to other players)
I made a post on this, and to be fair I think you might be right but haven't yet found this out for myself....might well bug you for help in directions next time I see you on!
Thing is, the Tryker sources, if I'm correct aren't in the main Tryker section which severely gimps players of lvl 50-100. As the areas they are in are of much harder difficulty than say Matis. Otherwise I'd agree that whilst I don't like the sound of everything (or even a lot of things) in Patch 1, it is a step closer to Patch 2...
Most of what I want from the game can be achieved in terms of balancing the various skills, and balancing the various realms (or at least making people aware of the strengths and weaknesses of each realm). I'd also like to see more plot (ie run 10 plots rather than just the one shaman oba plot)
I made a post on this, and to be fair I think you might be right but haven't yet found this out for myself....might well bug you for help in directions next time I see you on!
Thing is, the Tryker sources, if I'm correct aren't in the main Tryker section which severely gimps players of lvl 50-100. As the areas they are in are of much harder difficulty than say Matis. Otherwise I'd agree that whilst I don't like the sound of everything (or even a lot of things) in Patch 1, it is a step closer to Patch 2...
Most of what I want from the game can be achieved in terms of balancing the various skills, and balancing the various realms (or at least making people aware of the strengths and weaknesses of each realm). I'd also like to see more plot (ie run 10 plots rather than just the one shaman oba plot)
Re: Excitement about Patch One
In Tryker -krone9 wrote: Thing is, the Tryker sources, if I'm correct aren't in the main Tryker section which severely gimps players of lvl 50-100. As the areas they are in are of much harder difficulty than say Matis. Otherwise I'd agree that whilst I don't like the sound of everything (or even a lot of things) in Patch 1, it is a step closer to Patch 2...
ql50 spots everywhere in the Lakelands (some spots are excellent, try around Crystabell and south of FH.)
ql100 spots Winds of Muse (argg I hear you cry), check it yesterday. Carefully pick your way through the Dew Drops, aggro can quite easily be avoided. The portal can be reached safely without make contact with any aggro mobs.
Once through the portal - the Zerx guards can be avoided, with a little patients. The Muse area is relatively aggro free. There is a teleporter (that tickets can be purchased from) in this area, allowing safe return.
For ql250 spots - you will need a guide, or some trial and error to get you to the lake. The spawn point by the portal to Matis - is the only means of returning here regularly. but there is a semi-safe path from this portal back to the lake.
The spots are on the northen area of the lake. Exact locations can easily be found and time of day, by the following method. swim around the edge of the lake in a anti-clockwise direction. Have you radar on 250m ... look for the blue dots and green dots...... there are usually at least 3-4 people here at any time. Visual clues - look for the following named mobs.
Shinkal - a huge shalah
Zaber - a huge torbak - not a good idea to harvest near him.
Wombai - My favorite mob - a huge bolobi
? - a huge packer
Shinkal - has a love of eating harvest sources and will often come over and investigate what you are doing. Many times he has fallen asleep on me and my spot

There are many other good spots around the edge of the lake, however this 'paridise' has only the occasional zerx patrol.
All mat types, up to excellent grade.
Spot contents change with seasons, which is a nice touch

Send me a tell, but make sure you have the Avendale spawn first.
I will run trips if you can pursade me to stop harvesting

Re: Excitement about Patch One
Once through the portal - the Zerx guards can be avoided, with a little patients. The Muse area is relatively aggro free. There is a teleporter (that tickets can be purchased from) in this area, allowing safe return.
This little bit interested me because when I tried going through that portal and coming out the otherside my character auto ran right into them zerx without me being able to stop it. Is there a little trick to this? If there is I would love to hear it.

Thanks for all the informative tips Borg9 hehe always nice to have a read of.

Koriir - Matis Magician!
Florri - Tryker

Florri - Tryker

Re: Excitement about Patch One
VERY much appreciated
re going thru portal - press all direction keys once and you should stop
re going thru portal - press all direction keys once and you should stop