This, I think, is a highly interesting thread.
Acridiel has a point here, at least for me. I'd describe myself as not that bad a role-player, and I try to stand up to the idea of RP at almost every point (not that hardcore as doing it on all chats, as some do on Aris, to my knowledge). But it became sort of problem on Leanon, I think. Most of this happens in a sort of incestuos way - with your own guild (a religious order in my case) and a few other players, for they seem not so many roleplayers left, and all the politics faded away, which was an important part for me to interact with the world. Partly that is because of the huge domination of the Kamists on Leanon probably, which makes politics almost impossible, and by now the Argo Navis seem to be not only one of the last RP guilds left, but also one of the last Karavan guilds of standing. That's a poisoned blessing somehow. The harassment we had for quite some time has stopped for most of the hate-bearers left, but the "ghetto" we often move in has shrinked a lot. Sometimes I feel like an exhibit in some museum. The only good thing about that is that it gives me time to pump up my levels - I was less than 100 on all my abilities, apart from healing, and now I'm in the 200s with healing, and I won't die that fast when someone's sneezing, for I can even fight a little bit!
PS: Argonauts! I love you all!!