(Have I mentioned I'm not good at coming up with names?)
Enter by: Answering the pool question (voting is public)
By entering you agree to put forward the entry cost(see below) in to the prize fund.
Entry cost: 1,000,000 Dappers
(I know all the people who are going to vote "no" can afford much more than this, but I wanted to keep the fee lowish so that most can play

Closing Date: A week from now. (Poll will finish)
Result Date: February 1st. Or, if/when an announcement(billing postponed) is made.
-If an announcement is made before the poll is finished(haha), the pool will be cancelled.
-The prize fund will be divided up amongst the winners.
This is meant to just be a bit of fun but it'll be interesting to see how much confidence there is in SW.