For the rest of you,
The reason for the new change of leader is simple, I am starting my own business, and find myself having less time to do guildwork. There is also a complicated issue in regards to work that makes me unable to perform my duties as a guildleader.
Kalindra/Sherkalyn is being given guildleader on the terms of following the leadership traditions of the ExGS, traditions that I know she has and will follow at all times, such as involving our High Officers in all decisions, remaining true to the principles of what the guild was based upon, and upholding our high standards in terms of loyalty to our members instead of a freaking beauty parlon popularity contest.
Pelian and Nightblade remain co-leaders and High Officers, as well as founders and can still be contacted with *ANY* issue, same as Sherkalyn.
I still hold a High Officer position for the times I am around, and will perform as a Co-Leader, when able, together with Sherkalyn, Pelian and Nightblade.
I wish all of arispotle a fantastic future, and I will be here to see it, however I will not be on the top of our guild list for a long while,
It's been a fantastic honor to lead the fine members we have, members and people I care about more then anything else. Friends that are loyal, caring and understanding, and just as **** up as I am.
Former Guildleader and founder of The Exodus Gaming Syndicate, Ryzom Branch,
Sun Ce.