Crafting contest... nicefadebait wrote:Hmm, next time I get a chance I will go kill the boss in question and have a play - I think it should be possible (although the level is pretty low, so it's only really an academic exersize - at that level the difference between 97% and 100% is negligable.
What might be fun is to have some crafting contests - we could have three categories - any grade up to choice, any grade up to ex, and any grade up to sup and see who could get best stats in each one (the best recipie I think is different for each), graded on the sum of the two OE and heal stats.
Maybe a fourth category with any grade up to sup but this time graded on OE, heal and affy speed stats (affy power is reletively unimportant).
Un-boosted only, I think
Not that I get play much at the minute however...
how to check that no cheating with the mats can occur?
- crafters need to come naked and with nothing in inv than their mats and tool
- crafter hands over his complete inv to a referee so he can check nothing but choice/excel is available (no need to do that for sup so your secret ingredients stay unnkown, also you can hold up to 400+ mats so fill up with everything the GH provides for the excel recipe
- second referee hands over an ammount of mats that only someone with a completely empty inv can hold it - this proves youre playing fair
could work?