A short Amp craft question...

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A short Amp craft question...

Post by chibiarc »

Is it possible to create a 100/100 ele and 100/100 heal amp?

I don't want recipes or big secrets posted here, just curious if someone managed it. So far I can create a 98/100 for both or a 99/99. I always lack 4% in total. I have also heard of people making a 96/100 100/100, the evil 4% again.

So is it possible to get it any further? To a loss of 3 or even 2%?
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Re: A short Amp craft question...

Post by fadebait »

I assume you mean unboosted (easy if you boost it).

I *think* I managed a 100/100 99/98 (missing 3%) but not completely sure about this - it was a while ago and my memory might be misleading me. Also I have heard of people getting 100/100 100/100 at lower levels, due to one really handy low level boss that will remain nameless :)

EDIT: Also I would be interested on peoples opinions as to whether the final product is actually rounded up/down to integers or maintains the fractional stats that are present when crafting - my results are to date inconclusive.
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Re: A short Amp craft question...

Post by chibiarc »

I think I heard that people claim different amps with both 97% do different damage, this would support the keep fractional theory. But I haven't personally looked into it so far. Definitely an interesting question :D
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Re: A short Amp craft question...

Post by nanaruto »

in fact you've got different ways of crafting a amp at 97% basically with zun sup but ...

the result could change when you use differents, try whith buo or shu for exemple, you won't find the same result, i think, its 2919 if you are at 97
.3% and 2922 if you are at 2922.it doesnt matter without the bonus but if you get the +20% it will change you 112% in 113%.
i succed on time in creating a +113% plan 3 Matis. it will also change the sap load.
this is much important because you will be able to load at 1109.
it change lots of thing :)
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Re: A short Amp craft question...

Post by iphdrunk »

chibiarc wrote:I think I heard that people claim different amps with both 97% do different damage, this would support the keep fractional theory. But I haven't personally looked into it so far. Definitely an interesting question :D
Yes, something like 2962 vs 2956 (numbers approx). This is why I always mix choice buo and choice adriel. It's easy to see the differences while nuking a boss numbers pop. These minor differences may mean whether the basic quality is 97 or 96 or whether boosted is 112 or 113. This recipee (amongst others) gives a 113 (I have one of those amps but at the cost of 400 zun it's kinda expensive for most players, myself included)

I cannot guarantee it 100%, but I'm almost sure that there is no combo for unboosted 100/100/100/100 (I once told Brithlem it was possible but it isn't, it was a misunderstanding). I would need to get my long lost notes about crafting, but I agree with most posts, that it's always like 100/100 97/100, or 100/99 97/99 and similar combos...


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Re: A short Amp craft question...

Post by fadebait »

iphdrunk wrote:I'm almost sure that there is no combo for unboosted 100/100/100/100
Hmm, next time I get a chance I will go kill the boss in question and have a play - I think it should be possible (although the level is pretty low, so it's only really an academic exersize - at that level the difference between 97% and 100% is negligable.

What might be fun is to have some crafting contests - we could have three categories - any grade up to choice, any grade up to ex, and any grade up to sup and see who could get best stats in each one (the best recipie I think is different for each), graded on the sum of the two OE and heal stats.
Maybe a fourth category with any grade up to sup but this time graded on OE, heal and affy speed stats (affy power is reletively unimportant).
Un-boosted only, I think :)

Not that I get play much at the minute however...
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Re: A short Amp craft question...

Post by chibiarc »

Crafting contest? I'm in! :D
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Re: A short Amp craft question...

Post by iphdrunk »

fadebait wrote:Hmm, next time I get a chance I will go kill the boss in question and have a play - I think it should be possible (although the level is pretty low, so it's only really an academic exersize - at that level the difference between 97% and 100% is negligable.
Let me point out, for the sake of completeness, that I was assuming q250

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Re: A short Amp craft question...

Post by chibiarc »

I would like to know if it was possible *at all*, imho it is not at 250, but maybe lower?
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Re: A short Amp craft question...

Post by setstyle »

Up to q170, yes... anything higher and it's anyone's guess. :p
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