Recently we posted that we were very happy with the way the VIP phase is progressing in Ryzom; because of this we have now decided to expand the access to our servers to everybody who already had an active account, free trial included. Yes, even if you previously only had a free trial you can now once more log into Ryzom for free with all your stored characters

ATTENTION for those of you waiting to step onto Atys for the first time, please don't forget that we are still in a testing phase. This means that Ryzom is still closed to newcomers as the creation of new accounts is not yet permitted. If you don't already have an active Ryzom account you won't be able to play Ryzom yet. Don't worry though, we plan to reopen the account activation pages shortly; once again, we will let you know as soon as it happens.
Before you can get started, you must first prepare your game client to access the new servers. To accomplish this, there are two methods you can use.
1. If you still have a Ryzom client on your computer:
- Download and install the fixer from : ryzom_fixer.exe (<60KB).
- Launch Ryzom.
2. If you don't have a Ryzom client on your computer:
- Read the instructions on the download page of ryzom website
Now that you have a working client, you should be able to connect to the servers with your usual username and password. If you have any trouble preparing your client for the game, please don't hesitate to contact a CSR in CeB. You can find more information on how to connect to CeB on the forums.
Once you have got to the character select screen, you should see that all of your old characters are there; please feel free to play with as many as you wish. If you encounter any problems, you should use the support ticket system to report it directly to your server's CSR team.
If the ticket system is not available for any reason, please send an email to When you submit an issue, please try to be as detailed as possible and include all relevant information.
Thank you once again for your loyalty and above all for your patience.
The new Ryzom team bids you a very warm welcome and is absolutely delighted to see you again in our world Smile
The Ryzom Team.