johntf wrote:
...Sigh another person who doesn't understand critical thinking and thinkgs being negative is bad... In business as in well nearly everything in live critical thinking is the most important thing to do if you want it to be a sucess...
Actually I think I do understand critical thinking, I never said underlining negative aspects was a bad thing either. Although I do believe being negative right away after 4 days is a little early, you sound like everything is gonna be the same again when we (as you said yourself) don't even know who is the new owner and what are their aims for the game's future.
johntf wrote:
I don't just want to return to ryzom and play on a ghost server, with a high level character being as bored by lack of content as I am with a lack of diversity around me in the community...
As for the "ghost server" aspect, I m afraid it's a feeling I never yet experienced.
If "content" also means event well it's only up to the community to create some, it has been done many times before and was most of the time a success.
johntf wrote:
I want a fresh, new, youthful feel to the game again. When I enjoyed meeting old people, when exploring wasa joy, making new friends. What I don't want is the old childish animosity between Kami and Kara, the huge one sided alliances ruining the already rather basic outpost system. More lattitude allowed with the ring too.
I think it's obvious that players such as you and me will never ever get the feelings we had first time we entered PR or crossed HH simply because we already know every square centimeters of it (and starting from level 1 won't change that if you are a sneaker

), but still this never deprived me to enjoy the memories of it when wandering around.
Then making friends is still pretty easy people are open minded enough to give you a chance.
As for the childish Kami/Kara fight, well I just decided not to take part in it and just play with my friends regardless of their IG religion (yes yes this is possible)
You want the ring tweaked ? then I think Faa opened a thread about changes...
johntf wrote:
EDIT: I spy a stealth edit above me

Well you didn't mind the existing masters but looking at your join date ryzom was relatively young and fresh then and didn't have the smell of decay on it. Look at it now, it's died twice and seen its only true unique values go. It's once great community and its role play community. As a prospective new player looking at this game, wanting to part with your hard earnt money in times when the economy is in a downturn in most places, perhaps you would want to spend it with a business that stands a chance of being here for longer than a few months...If not we will just have what we had before, an empty and depressing ghost server haunted by the weight of so much unfufilled promise.
Mostly money talk... still if they do not spend it here they ll spend it somewhere else ; maybe they ll get only a few months of pleasure but the quality of it will be the same as what we experienced when you and I started playing, mostly if the community keeps the positive spirit up (only my opinion here)
johntf wrote:
Also I know it's early thats why I'm not asking for proof. Perhaps just a level of opacity from those running the game now (I mean we don't even know who they are !) and I'l settle for their word at the moment.
Wait and see

in the meanwhile come and have firewine at thesos bar so we can finish this conversation
[EDIT]Wanted you to know that I wouldn't mind starting from scratch since I enjoyed every moment of my leveling so far, but you d have to guarantee that I d get both my accounts name back tho