Back in the days of EQ1 gamers put up with a lot of crap because there wasnt much else on the market. Ryzom doesnt have that luxury with EQ2, WoW and SWG's space expansion being released this month. The world of Ryzom may indeed end if enough people cancel because they cant get their game play straightened out to where it is fair to all players.tayster wrote:People are so impatient... calm down, and breathe for a second, geez, the world isn't ending...
Nobody likes nerfs... they *shouldnt* be making such radical changes to game play after release. If you make something easier you piss off people who did it the hard way. If you make something harder after some people have it easy then you piss off people that havent done it yet. A company like SOE can survive pissing off large portions of their player base but I suspect Nevrax doesnt have that luxury either. Ryzom may go the way of Earth and Beyond.