Ryzom advertising/marketing issues: how did you learn the existance of Ryzom ?

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How did you learned about the existence of Ryzom ?

Poll ended at Sun Jun 28, 2009 3:43 pm

Through game advertisements on Internet sites or magazines
A friend recommanded it to me
Discovered it by pure luck
Never heard about it or never actualy played it
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Re: Ryzom advertising/marketing issues: how did you learn the existance of Ryzom ?

Post by s1otarge »

I used to think first-person-shooters were the only games worth playing online, even ran my own Quake server for about four years. I'd tried a few other MMO's, but never felt at home there, still don't even though I've gone back to give a lot of them a second chance.

Then I saw an ad for the Ryzom free trial on either 'Ctrl-Alt-Del' or 'Least I Could Do'. Swallowed it up hook, line, and kincher. I think what they did right with the free trial thing was to let me play longer than 7-10 days, long enough to get a real feel for the game and begin to understand the potential it had.

I'll be back.

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Re: Ryzom advertising/marketing issues: how did you learn the existance of Ryzom ?

Post by odofitzg »

I actually saw an advert for it on one or another of the webcomics that I frequent. (Might have been Something Positive or PvP -- it was a sidebar advert.) It had the word "free" in it. I went to the website and thought it looked interesting so I downloaded the client.

This was during the First Interregnum, between Neverax and GF, so there was no limit on the Island, and I had enough time to really experience seasons and the behaviors of the beasts and also of hominity.

As for many, it was the first MMO that came anywhere near holding my attention, and it switched from "near" to "hold" very rapidly. Once the world opened up again, I subscribed and one of my first "events" was a trek from Yrkanis to Freehaven. I was maybe lvl 25, got hooked up with a subgroup and spent my time gawking, "following" and adding my pitiful healing whenever I could. I was incredibly impressed by all these high-level characters who were willing to drag along a newbie and even let him know that he should buy TP contracts first... :)

If there is any marketing to be done some of it should be with the theme, "A MMORPG for those who hate MMORPG's." Another tag might be: "Quests? We don't need no steenkin' quests."

I just hope it doesn't come back on-line at the end of July. I'm going to be on an extended vacation from Mid-July to Mid-August.

Cancel that -- I want Atys back. If I don't happen to be there at the very beginning of the Rebirth, that doesn't matter.

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Re: Ryzom advertising/marketing issues: how did you learn the existance of Ryzom ?

Post by rajron »

I still remember MY first trek - blasts of incredible power flying everywhere - mobs that barely noticed me - but still left me in the dirt at the end of every fight... *huggles certain homins who were there*
What STILL amazes me is how willing everyone was and STILL is *bloodies knuckles on wood* to drop everything and spend a couple of hours treking a complete stranger - handing them dappers, buying them a packer, running out to dig a few mats for the Perfect gear to happily give away...

Maybe this is why no other MMO will ever replace Ryzom in my heart - others have a few good players - but nowhere else have I seen such overwhelming Kindness. This is how RL should be... a perfect world.

um... *blushes* yeah...

ANYway... I gotta say it at some point... might as well do it now:

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Re: Ryzom advertising/marketing issues: how did you learn the existance of Ryzom ?

Post by whiterider »

rajron wrote:What STILL amazes me is how willing everyone was and STILL is *bloodies knuckles on wood* to drop everything and spend a couple of hours treking a complete stranger - handing them dappers, buying them a packer, running out to dig a few mats for the Perfect gear to happily give away...
You hit the nail on the head, that's the best thing about Ryzom.

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Re: Ryzom advertising/marketing issues: how did you learn the existance of Ryzom ?

Post by muadhib »

I actually never saw any advertising for the game on the internet. Not before I discovered the game, and never after.

This may be due to the fact that I normally don't visit (MMO) games related sites though.

I answered, "I found it by pure luck", but my case may be not very representative anyway.

Actually I never intended to play an MMO or actively searched for a game to play when I came across Ryzom.

As a programmer, I was interested to see what open-source 3D game engines existed at that time (May 2005), so one day I was googling for open-source 3d game engines and stumbled across the NeL game engine website. For those who didn't know, NeL was the game engine Ryzom (and some smaller game projects) were build upon. It was open-source until GF bought the game and made it closed source.

Meanwhile, I think there is an OpenNeL project going on, which is probably a branch from the code base before GF bought the game and added their (mostly buggy) changes. Not sure though, but I'm sure Kaetemi would know better. ;)

Anyway, I looked on that NeL website what games were made with it and browsed through the Ryzom screenshots and thought it looked quite beautiful, so I thought I'd try it out. It was my first online game.

I stumbled over Jamela's (bless him, where are you now mate?) recruiting char Jerry the very minute I appeared on the old refugee isle, and that's how I ended up in Pheadrea's Tears and was properly hooked to the game. :-)

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Re: Ryzom advertising/marketing issues: how did you learn the existance of Ryzom ?

Post by iphdrunk »

My case is a bit complicated and happened by chance :*) I can't even remember the exact details, but I think my very first contact was during a meeting related to french-founded research projects (a few years ago already, 2001 or 2002) involving networking, comp sci, etc. (Journées RNRT - Réseaux National Recherche En Télécomm). My reason for being there had nothing to do with Ryzom, but I happened to see a presentation regarding Virtual Worlds, and Avatars and so on, and I am *almost* sure it was Nevrax.

IIRC that happened a few months after having heard (also by chance) of Nevrax fund-raising campaing (around 2002 maybe?), and contacts with France Telecom?... I completely forgot about it until later 2003, and in early 2004 I heard about it again - I had a few friends doing research on either virtual/persisting worlds and / or peer to peer networks, and short after I heard about the beta (closed beta I think, that should be around feb/march 2004? if my memory serves well...the first appearence of Anissa dates back to April 2004, with the latest beta period before the (supposedly) june launch...

It's been a love/hate relationship since then I guess ...
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Re: Ryzom advertising/marketing issues: how did you learn the existance of Ryzom ?

Post by symolan »

found it on MMORPG.com, not thru an ad, but by the list of mmo's available. There it said that the game doesn't have any classes which I found compelling so I downloaded the client and got hooked within days.

I voted on ad but might have been pure luck...

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Re: Ryzom advertising/marketing issues: how did you learn the existance of Ryzom ?

Post by elthunim »

Pure luck.

Was browsing for resources on Open Source development, and stumbled across Ryzom, "a game made by the players, and Open Source" (which was probably a dated article, since it was already in the GameForge era). I gave it a whirl by curiosity, loved the landscapes and the help on Silan.
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Re: Ryzom advertising/marketing issues: how did you learn the existance of Ryzom ?

Post by acridiel »

Ahhh, wrong thread XD

will correct ;)

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Re: Ryzom advertising/marketing issues: how did you learn the existance of Ryzom ?

Post by kurita »

i found Ryzom throught an add on GPF Comic by Jeffrey T. Darlington, while it was still hosted on Keenspot, staring one of GPF's Mainchars as a more or less sucessfull Hunter of Yubo's. I though only to help GPF by klicking that funny gif...

a few hours later i had DLed the installer and register for the trial awed by it's background and screenies, stumbled over Ghuiss and His merry Bunch of PM... and well i´m, like everyone else here, hooked by Ryzoms majesty and its great community since then.

i hope to see you all again soon(NOT tm).
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