arfindel wrote:I beg to differ. Both SWG and Ryzom fate prove with no doubt that this kind of game shouldn't sell for same price as WoW ones or they cannot be... viable. Both games proposed players complicated environments and an evolution that didn't imply only be taken by the hand, led to quest A and then continue through B, C,...N while N means master. By the way, they call it content. From this point of view Ryzom lacks content, there are compeltely different things that Ryzom defines as content.
I don't agree, sorry (EDIT: I agree). You forgot the only sandbox game that, despite it cannot be considered a huge success, is living pretty well: EVE Online.
It's not casual that many people on other forums, always pointed out that Ryzom could be the EVE equivalent with a different settings.
I agree with this vision: if Ryzom will get the necessary features, it can grow up enough to sustain development.
I know a lot people really tired of item-centric dumbed MMO's, regarding the fantasy setting.
Ryzom can fill this hole and became the fantasy sandbox the same as EVE is the sci-fi sandbox.
And EVE cost is almost the same of others.
That's my opinion.
EDIT: sorry Faa, i didn't read well your post, in fact you said almost the same thing ...