Here's something to waste your time on
Re: Here's something to waste your time on
But how does a dinosaur taste?
Re: Here's something to waste your time on
like a dinosaur tasting chicken?
The Zoraïs are feared mystics from the dark and hidden jungles. In their search for spiritual enlightenment.
Suai Shun
Elder Of Atys
guardian of the tree
twisting the words
Whispers Of Aria
Re: Here's something to waste your time on
or maybe like a chicken tasting like a dinosaur ? 

New Guild Leader of The Exodus Syndicate
:: Most Loyal Fyros Alive :: Neutral Trader :: Crazy Marshmallow Lady ::
The Exodus Syndicate
"Experience Perfection : Unharness Your Power"
"Ignore the flames or grill your marshmallows on them. Then feed them to the trolls so they keep their mouth shut."
New Guild Leader of The Exodus Syndicate
:: Most Loyal Fyros Alive :: Neutral Trader :: Crazy Marshmallow Lady ::
The Exodus Syndicate
"Experience Perfection : Unharness Your Power"
"Ignore the flames or grill your marshmallows on them. Then feed them to the trolls so they keep their mouth shut."
Re: Here's something to waste your time on
But then again: how does a dinosaur taste like? 

Re: Here's something to waste your time on
does anyone's head starts to hurt?
The Zoraïs are feared mystics from the dark and hidden jungles. In their search for spiritual enlightenment.
Suai Shun
Elder Of Atys
guardian of the tree
twisting the words
Whispers Of Aria
Re: Here's something to waste your time on
Can we talk about something else?
*clutches ruins of exploded head*
*clutches ruins of exploded head*
"Welcome Home"
- Kamakaz
Permanent Rootball Refugee
- Kamakaz
Permanent Rootball Refugee
Re: Here's something to waste your time on
why did your head explode?
The Zoraïs are feared mystics from the dark and hidden jungles. In their search for spiritual enlightenment.
Suai Shun
Elder Of Atys
guardian of the tree
twisting the words
Whispers Of Aria
Re: Here's something to waste your time on
Lets start again...
Was it because of the chickens?
Was it because of the chickens?
Re: Here's something to waste your time on
NO more CHICKENS ok? 

The Zoraïs are feared mystics from the dark and hidden jungles. In their search for spiritual enlightenment.
Suai Shun
Elder Of Atys
guardian of the tree
twisting the words
Whispers Of Aria
Re: Here's something to waste your time on
What you gonne do if I say chicken again?