I'm very sorry to inform you that GameForge Germany has today told us that there is the possibility that the Ryzom servers will be shut down this week. Currently I'm being told that Arispotle will not be restarted in the near future.

This doesn't signal the end of Ryzom however; the liquidation procedure is still ongoing and there is still time for us to get new owners, so don't lose hope.
I'm afraid I might not be able to answer all the questions I'm sure you have, but I'll keep you updated when we know more.
If/when the forums go down, don't forget that we have the forums at http://arispotle.yubovision.fr/ - once again I'll post any and all updates there as well.
Edit on 12th Feb 08:
Sadly Aniro is now down as well - you can read my longer reply here.