Changing Source Mode: Fairplay or Exploit?

Come in, pull up a chair, let's discuss all things Ryzom-related.

What do you think of changing the source mode while extracting?

It is a bug, and if you do it, you are exploiting the bug.
It is a bug, but until fixed, it is acceptable to continue.
It is a feature, and is acceptable to continue.
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Re: Changing Source Mode: Fairplay or Exploit?

Post by zukor »

Mekos wrote:Source modes tells you how the nodes will degrade when you extract from it. The go from 0 to 5. 0 and 1 are good because they do the least amount of damage to the source. Mode 1 has smaller explosions that 0, so that is the best mode to extract from.

Thank you. A brief follow-up: when you say degrade, do you mean the chance that the node will become exhausted prior to the materials actually running out? Or is it the chance that your harvesting will either cause a toxic cloud, or explosion? Thanks again.

Doctor Z.
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Re: Changing Source Mode: Fairplay or Exploit?

Post by ozric »

thexdane wrote:
hell why would nevrax put in the skills for ground stability and resource preservation if they didn't intend for you to change the source mode and make it more stable or last longer?
Not singling you out in particular, other people have made the same comment, but why the automatic link to say that using a care plan must change the source mode ? Care plans work fine without having to change the mode.
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Re: Changing Source Mode: Fairplay or Exploit?

Post by vanderpm »

zukor wrote:Thank you. A brief follow-up: when you say degrade, do you mean the chance that the node will become exhausted prior to the materials actually running out? Or is it the chance that your harvesting will either cause a toxic cloud, or explosion? Thanks again.

Doctor Z.
Source mode affects both. 0 and 1 source mode give it the best life, and if I recall correctly 3 and 4 tend to lower the extraction risk bar slower (i.e. explosions/toxic clouds)
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Re: Changing Source Mode: Fairplay or Exploit?

Post by kovah »

vanderpm wrote:Source mode affects both. 0 and 1 source mode give it the best life, and if I recall correctly 3 and 4 tend to lower the extraction risk bar slower (i.e. explosions/toxic clouds)

edit: Just found this, should help out:
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Re: Changing Source Mode: Fairplay or Exploit?

Post by zukor »

Thank you both very much. Kovah, that reference was extremely helpful.

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Re: Changing Source Mode: Fairplay or Exploit?

Post by radshak »

Im just glad I got 200+ levels in forage before the mat spec nerf, and can pull 9 mats a pull at qual 250 changing to source node 1 :)
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Re: Changing Source Mode: Fairplay or Exploit?

Post by korin77 »

So how would you feel if you could only pull up to the level of your current forage skill + 10 ? IE if your prime roots forage was 200 but your lake forage was still 50 you would only get ql 60 foraging in the lakes?
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Re: Changing Source Mode: Fairplay or Exploit?

Post by thexdane »

ozric wrote:Not singling you out in particular, other people have made the same comment, but why the automatic link to say that using a care plan must change the source mode ? Care plans work fine without having to change the mode.

actually that's exactly what the care plan does, it stablizes and replenishes the life of the ground

the thing about care plans is you can't get a large pull because you're using a care plan, so if you're extracting a mat and then start a care plan you use up time that is normally spent on extracting on the care plan

so it's not as if the timer stops when you use the care plan, it keeps going. so you lose mats that you're trying to pull.

and like i've said before if anyone thinks it's an exploit then they should take away higher quality armour from fighters and higher lvl spells from casters because those are exploits too or at least according to your definition of an exploit
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Re: Changing Source Mode: Fairplay or Exploit?

Post by ozric »

thexdane wrote:actually that's exactly what the care plan does, it stablizes and replenishes the life of the ground
I know what it does, but it doesnt have to change the mode to do it, which was my point. Plenty of times when using the care plan , the mode hasnt changed.
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Re: Changing Source Mode: Fairplay or Exploit?

Post by thexdane »

ozric wrote:I know what it does, but it doesnt have to change the mode to do it, which was my point. Plenty of times when using the care plan , the mode hasnt changed.

different mode = more stable ground

therefore if you can't change the mode then using a care package is useless and therefore i wasted my points in using that skill and so did every other harvester

and if they change that i really hope they stop the extra protection medium and heavy armour give everyone that wears it because that's totally unfair and an exploit of the armour system
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