hubologist wrote:"It's not over yet..."
"I can't tell you more than that..."
"There are prospective buyers..."
"As long as the servers are up, 'There's still hope'..."
That's not "news", Boroshi. I realize you're a respected member of the community, but I call 'em as I see 'em nonetheless. The contents of your post are the exact same thing people have been saying for the past three and a half weeks.
Actual news is telling us something we don't already know, and we already know everything you covered in that link.
I think you are being a little harsh, especially blaming Boroshi for the lack of news seeing as CSR's know as much as you do. Try to remember CSR's are only players who have stepped up to the plate to help other members of the community. There was news by the way, news that multiple bidders are in for the game not just people.
they cant name them legally.
they cant tell you anything before any deal is done.
they certainly have no idea what is going on now Marjo (who is a proper community liason) and Vince (CSR boss) has been laid off.
last but not least Andro,Boroshi,Aapeli,other csr's who's names evade me care passionatly about this game and are no doubt pulling their hair out waiting for news more than most.