'Who's guilty' and is it important?

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'Who's guilty' and is it important?

Post by archaeos »

I might sound a bit blunt or harsh but u are all free to take it as personal as u all want ,and u are free to accept or question my point.It's just an opinion and feeling I want to describe.
Firstly I refuse to give up hope ,because there are always options .
But It can be that we will be forced to give up, by decisions that are not ours to take .

But in the business-world it turns around profit,even if Ryzom is part of our own fantasy and world that breaks us out of the regular one ,it's root is still dependant of the RL situations.Why do people put their money in a savingsaccount .For profit.Why we save up for that house ,car,whatever; for our name,security and for ou own interest.

Anyway ,Players should consider this:We are all shareholders of the companies that supported the game and what did we do ?We whine ,we don't take responsability and we critisize and question the motivation of the companies that supported the game.We want more ,we ask and stay blind.
Sometimes we even dare to question the quality of organisations and enterprises,because we think WE are right.Are we ?

We were offered the opportunity to build on Ryzom with Ryzom Ring.
We were granted to give the game meaning and it's own story,basically an unlimited freedom that's hard to find in a game ...but we still ask content.

Companies that want to gain profit need to listen to those needs ...and mainly the decisions taken are short term decisions.
In a way if u play the game u have the right to ask all of this ...3 years playing and paying =3*12.50*12=450 euro spend on a game ,way more as a regular game where u always have the opportunity to take the dvd and replay it over and over...It's painfull if we couldn't...
Still we are also partly the reason of the drive of companies that are looking to their own needs.Survival and profit.

I think if CS has an option to create your own server and inviting people ,and that PS3-consoles can link up to make a huge server or network,I think if these things can be connected serial so that everyone shares a part of his own bandwith,that the cost of servermaintenance doesn't have to be the limitation. If these things don't exist ,someone should make em exist.

Creativity is what ryzom was about,and it is what it needs to survive.
If Ryzoms code would be free to the public and everyone could develop and work on the bugs like as they can in open source programs,the devs could focus more on important things ...A simple way to gain productivity with the means that allow it...building to more succes and making it more public without having to loose quality.A natural way of dynamism.

I wonder in how far the right decisions will be made.And real solutions will be offered instead of excuses, but as a 'shareholder' of one of the most beautifull expieriences in my gaminglife I can't let the hope go.

I paid for the servermaintenance as u all did ,but I paid also for the hard work that everyone put in it . ... Tell me that Ryzom is a succes in a feeling instead of a loss in a number. Tell me there is a possibility to keep Ryzom alive with or without a company.And tell me we are granted that wish.Tell me the Dvd on the shelf is more than a memory .

But remember ,I enjoyed every second of it ...So thanks to everyone who made it possible
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Re: 'Who's guilty' and is it important?

Post by kuroari »

All well and good love,

but when your buying a game like GF did - and don't do ANYTHING to further that game and treat your _customers_ like you do... i should say anyone could hardly be blamed for "whining" about it?

another way to look at the business model is Customer - Service Provider

when the service provider is bad at what they do, the customer "whines" because they are paying money for a service.

the fact that we have such an intense love for the game is the _ONLY_ reason most of us stayed even when GF was being extremely ugly with content etc.

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Re: 'Who's guilty' and is it important?

Post by archaeos »

Can u say that Nevrax never was pointed with the finger,and that we always got what we wanted.In the past a lot of decisions where questioned without knowing the real reason.Instead we looked for an acceptable explanation.

Like I said I might sound harsh ,but I can honestly tell u that I was also part of the Whining mass.And mayb I give the impression of judging that,it's not like that...In most of the cases looking for a new buyer is the way of attracting new budget ,but it's a risky bet.Especially if they don't learn out of the past.It's twice that the cost of the servers are the reason of a possible end.That is where I agree on u the importance of customer-service.and that is where I reach my point.That our influence is the base of decisions.

If u read between the lines, u should also understand that in a way I also wish for a rectification,where the company failed or why will not offer a solution since the decision for them is made .

I just wish that it doesn't have to end,and if there is no buyer for example that we could offer a solution to keep Ryzom alive :) And if there is one that it won't end up on the shelf...

And yes ...because we all love the game.
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Re: 'Who's guilty' and is it important?

Post by kmatoy »

hmmm... 15 dollars a month x 12 months =180 dollars a year!
180 dollars x three years=540 dollars..
Having three accounts active for 3 years=1,620
And that is just from my household!
I am not one of those who complained,but I sure did have hopes that the game would at least not shut us out like this!
Leaving us three days when you log in to PWs...
Surely if they cannot do anything about it would be nice for them to say heya, we are working on the problem, please be patient! We have 90% of the developement done for the furture content, but we ran out of money, anyone that would like to finish it in there spare time and work for free? Lots of people enjoy doing this kinda stuff in their spare time they could have asked for some help from the community here.
Why not we have Csr's that devote their time here in game ?
OOo and The customers are always right :)

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Re: 'Who's guilty' and is it important?

Post by twina »

Yup I dont think you can blame players. If a paying customer does not like something -whether be with car insurance, retail goods, telephone/mobile services - then they have the right to complain or even demand in many circumstances in life. Ryzom is not different - paying customers have the right to an answer and to at least have thier questions/suggestions looked into properly.

From what we have seen GF has done little or nothing to communicate with its customers - that in itself shows why they lose player base.

Ryzom did not upgrade or add content - you may be saying that the players should have done more with the ring etc - well thats a load of crap. Any MMPORG will lose customers no matter how much they like the game - if they become bored. If content is not added then what do you want. Also whilst you may have (or may not have) done something with the ring - not everyone wants to bother with that part of it - they are paying customers and each person has the right to just "get on line and play" - if they dont want to add to the ring then thats their choice - they are paying for Ryzom and will play how they like. Soon as they feel customer serviec and game development are declining then players will leave. Also many players may find between work and RL they want to just play - and not have time for things such as the ring.

If GF failed - then that is down to various variables - lack of customer service and content being main problems.

You are judging other members here -and as you say - you were part of the whinning mass. So I would sugest you look at fact - many players put forward ideas and asked for some communiction - and had no response. This is not player based activity that has caused Ryzom to fall - it is the compaines bad (or lack) of management skills.

Instead of being a hypercrit and putting Ryzom players into name tags -you should consider the majority that did support Ryzom and stayed as long as they did -also many having more than one account.
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Re: 'Who's guilty' and is it important?

Post by hokipoki »

Last time Nevrax was going bankrupt the court ordered the maintenance of activities. This time no.

Basically, noone pays at this moment for the server maintenance, bandwidth, hosting etc.
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Re: 'Who's guilty' and is it important?

Post by archaeos »

I think u miss the point here ...I didn't post this thread for judging,and what u both mention and the things u are trying to prove ,are correct...It's a choice ,but is it a matter of good or wrong?And will it solve anything?
Thinking companies are acting out of emotions is wrong,we players are emotional and even if I say 'Whining' and 'responsability' and it may sound negative it is not ment that way.It depends the point of view.And is it important if I would judge u or myself ,will it solve 'our' problem and fear?

I think we just all underestimate our role and importance and influence.
'The whining part' was ment as an example that a company needs to adapt their drives to the needs of the players ,but that it at the same time also can be the cause of a new situation that doesn't allow to solve the problem at the root.

The open source idea was ment to make u realize that there are possibilities.

All I want ,is that there is hope and a good choice on a long term ,and not on a short term ....What is there hypocrite about?My opinion doesn't have to be yours for that matter,and calling me a hypocrite shows a lack of respect to one persons opinion.U are free to call me that ,I just tried to think constructive and if u are talking about that majority that kept their belief u should look when I joined...,sorry if u feel attacked ...If u read closely u would have noticed that my thread can be taken as personal as u want yourself.
Last edited by archaeos on Wed Oct 03, 2007 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 'Who's guilty' and is it important?

Post by twina »

archaeos wrote:I think u miss the point here ...I didn't post this thread for judging,and what u both mention and the things u are trying to prove ,are correct...It's a choice ,but is it a matter of good or wrong?And will it solve anything?
Thinking companies are acting out of emotions is wrong,we players are emotional and even if I say 'Whining' and 'responsability' and it may sound negative it is not ment that way.It depends the point of view.And is it important if I would judge u or myself ,will it solve 'our' problem and fear?

I think we just all underestimate our role and importance and influence.
'The whining part' was ment as an example that a company needs to adapt their drives to the needs of the players ,but that it at the same time also can be the cause of a new situation that doesn't allow to solve the problem at the root.

The open source idea was ment to make u realize that there are possibilities.

All I want ,is that there is hope and a good choice on a long term ,and not on a short term ....What is there hypocrite about?My opinion doesn't have to be yours for that matter,and calling me a hypocrite shows a lack of respect to one persons opinion.U are free to call me that ,I just tried to think constructive ,sorry if u feel attacked ...
Opinions are judgemental.

Did not feel attacked.

Should not have called you a hypercrit - should have re-phrased it to say "dont make such hypercital judgements" - I appologise if you took offence.

Guilty or not guilty - does not realy matter - Ryzom took a long fall due to mis-directions of a company - nothing more to say.

Is it important - yes it is - as it affects all of us -and thats time and money input into ryzom from every ommunity member. Yes that time and money has been spent with enjoyment - but I for one would have liked to be able to level all my skills and been given the opportunity to attend hundreds more OP battles, spend more time with my guild mates and look forawrd to maybe extra levels and lands to be added. However, non of that will happen now.

Keeping hope? Yes I will keep hope and check these forums for months - years to come to hope that Ryzom re-luanches. That day I will be one of the first to give my subscription in :)
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Re: 'Who's guilty' and is it important?

Post by archaeos »

No offense taken at all ,since the situation and way of communicating led to misunderstanding .
Ryzom is an emotional game eh :D
And your emotional reaction shows u care ;)
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Re: 'Who's guilty' and is it important?

Post by xtarsia »

none of you seem to realise the insane amount of content that is allready in the game code.

1 dev for 1 month would have finished the lair off. (probably less)

adding potions? easy, they allready exist. give them to the tribe merchants? require fame to buy.

activate honour points for kills in any pvp zone (not all zones are pvp - simply turn off pvp in TOT to stop complaints about treks)

re-use the old newbie lands for the zorai/fyros/tryker as additional areas much like the Nexus. with sups for each land ofc.

make the wondering tibes agro if you have bad fame

bring back kittin patrolls.

add some of the extra bosses that are in the ring but not on mainland! just that alone would change the world for crafters of certain items.

just TWO extra components in the ring would increase its abilitys MASSIVLY. + hosting = players making extra content for you for FREE. DUH.

each one of those things (and MORE - hidden stuff i cant say really cos i'll get shot even though they dont give a crap) wouldnt take that long to put in.

could have added one thing a month with ease. + advertise abit = awesome game growth

dont blame the players.

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