If Ryzom gets bought by a new company, then we can use it as an opportunity for celebration; if not, then we can drink to its wonderful memory together, like the community we're famed for being.
At this early stage, we don't have any details other than that it would be in London, UK

We know that its probably a bad time for most people, considering work/school has started again in most places, but we'll put it on a weekend some time and hopefully enough of you will be able to come to make it worthwhile

Please vote in the poll so we know how many people are interested, and leave a comment if you have anything to add. I'll leave it for a few days before we make the decision.
We are hoping that the forums will remain up for enough time to get this organised, but if not we will try and continue to contact you via private guild/alliance forums - if you have a forum with a large number of Ryzom players on it, please PM me the url so we have a backup plan

Edit: You can find a poll for the dates here