And here is the next update - 3 more trees from the burning desert. Enjoy
Botoga (habitat – fyros desert)
Botoga is a high tree with a very thick trunk and anextremely dence canopy of leaves on it’s few branches. The legend says that long ago bodocs were aboundant in the desert. The bodoc herds roamed freely lead by their leader – the mighty Glump. The bodocs became so numerous one day that they ate up all the vegetation so that the bodocs themselves and all other herbivores began to starve. Then the kamis banished all bodocs and their leader to the Prime roots where their skin soon turned white from lack of sunlight. But Glump tried to fight off the kami sentinels and told them that the memory of stout and powerful bodocs will forever remain in the desert. Upon that day the botoga trees appeared with their thick trunks like fat bodoc bellies and their strong branches like bodoc horns. The flowers of these trees are located at the very top of the canopies and flower only once a year in spring. Their large pollen flies for long distances. First described by Almati.
Bothaya (habitat – fyros- flaming forest, Pyr)
Some botanists insist that these stump-like conical trees are in fact ends of the roots of atys that transport extensive heat from the heart of the living planet, however latest research has shown that these bizarre leafless trees are in fact a colony of plants connected with each other by an intricate network of roots. They do not have flowers and the bark at the top part of the male tree produces pollen which is highly flammable. The heat of the desert is enough to ignite it immediately and so during the pollination period the top ends of Bothaya are burning with a fierce fire. The female trees however are very scarce and can only be found near Pyr. The female bothaya trees are extremely rich in sap that is being storedin their sponge-like bark (the fyros citizenship mission makes you fill a whole bucket with sap from one ofthese trees). This way the pollen from the male trees never seems to reach the female ones and they can not poduce any seeds. Because of this Bothaya can only reproduce by saplings that spring up from the network of roots. This type of reproduction does not allow them to leave the confines of flaming forest however. It seems very probable that the Bothaya trees had a different fate in the past and their current condition is a result of a grand botanical experiment. First described by Almati.
Loojine (habitat – fyros desert)
Some botanists (like matisian Almati) believe that the golden colored round objects in the center of these trees are in fact their fruit. However latest research has shown that these round objects are simply vessels for sap storage. They never leave the plant (unlike fruit that usually carries seeds used for reproduction) and they do not change. Inside they have a sticky greenish liquid that looks and smells very much like sap. The flowers of loojine are very small and scattered across the network of interwoven branches. Theirpollen is brown in color. It seems highly likely that these plants have been genetically engineered to serve as sap containers, but when and by whom – still remains a mystery. First described by Almati.
P\s And i do need some help in translation of this abstract from french:
Plantes translucides émettant une légère lueur, elles puisent l'énergie avec leurs courtes racines et des gaz ambiants, en émettant d'autres en retour. En traversant leur corps, la lumière crée un effet "magique" en gréant de l'énergie au fur et à mesure du temps qui passe. La maturité correspond au moment où l'énergie utilisée pour faire de la lumière est égale à celle créée par la lumière
If someone could lend a hand I'd highly appreciate