Hello most of you have heard about me the good and bad
(I would question some of the stuff your told but not going to go in to that as it would require a whole new tread :/ )
as you know by my other tread i am leaving zerlin's guard in the hands of some one else cause i am going to be spending less time online do to school (3 credits and i am out ) seeing as how i will not be able to spend more time 1 on 1 with my guildies i find that is unfair for me to run the guild as it will be holding them back from there full potential so i turn i am looking for a guild that i can join so i to may realize my full potential too looking for a guild that is social, & active in op battles (Don't care honestly for either faction as neither has won my heart & mind)
Elected leader of Aeden Aqueous
Dictator of Silan
Sumner of yubos
Spammer of UNI!
Creator of atys!
''hell of i know!'' wise man,(??/??/??)
''liteon says:and as the wise ..person...once said, i only have to break your finger and then you cannot launch your nuke
you say:i got 9 more ''
"So in a few moments Sun Ce had disposed of two enemies, one crushed to death and one frightened to death. Thereafter Sun Ce was called the Little Prince.!"