ack, don't disable direct input!!
just do what someone said..earlier in this post... *runs to look*
*runs back*
zerotacg said it - just add /multi
and for emphasis - i said this on page 3
if your computer is strong enough to handle it...
right click on the 'ryzom' icon on your desktop
add /multi to the end of the 'target' line
(will look like this D:\Ryzom\client_ryzom_rd.exe /multi ---- only you will have somethign simliiar yet different for the first part)
hit "OK"
open ryzom - and login (windowed mode is a good idea...)
minimize ryzom after its loaded , and open it again using the ryzom shortcut on your desktop (the one you edited with /multi) - this time login with your second account.
wait for that to login, then start playing
expect serious lag if you have a not-so-high-end computer! setting everything to "LOW" before trying this, then upping as you go is a good idea.
and as an afterthought..
now that i have 4 cores in my computer *boasts like a brat* i realized that the game runs insanely smoothly if you change it so "each game" runs on a different core - MUST HAVE DUO-CORE OR HIGHER!!
to do that..
run first ryzom game -
do the 3 finger salute (ctrl-alt-delete)
go to processes and find "Client_ryzom_rd..." and right click that
Set Affinity
(for me with 4 cores - i have options 0, 1, 2, 3 - other comps will be different)
and set the affinity of that game to 'cpu 1' (check only cpu 1)
run the second client, and find THAT in processes - set THAT affinity to only CPU 0
now, your two clients are running on "two diffurnt computers" (except for RAM and graphics usage) so itll run MUCH smoother!
happy duo-ing