Alright, so I'll take your word for it Aelvana. Basically I need to not bother with any of these 'events' (and this is a personal decision not meant to reflect the player base as a whole) until patch X, because basically they're quests or missions that are given to everyone simultaneously but which have no reward. That's ok, really it is, it's just not my bag.
These are just additional little adventures for us to do or maybe large ones that do not directly relate to the main story. This is an adventre game, at least thats the main point of an RPG is to adventure with your character in some way.
And Varth, if the GM's are going to 'rig the fight' so it comes out 'how they want' everytime, then I can just pack my sh__ now because there is NO reason for me to be here. I know they CAN, I'm saying if they are GOING to. Of course, I don't really expect that Nevrax will allow any GM's to answer on this point. If there are any GM's left. I haven't seen a post in several days from any of them... maybe they all got laid off? But either way, that's one of the crucial aspects to a game that I was looking for when I came across this one and it had it. The ability to truly effect the world. I loathe amusement parks, real or virtual. I neglected to take that into account when I bought EQ, and about the 12th time my group killed Emporer Crushbone, I finally realized the horror of where I was, a virtual amusement park. Only in a virtual amusement park, not only do you have to spend the time waiting in line (like you did for boss mobs in EQ) but you also have to spend solid days leveling your character so that they're strong enough and powerful enough to 'ride the ride'.
Rigging the fight or the story is a necessicty for all GMs. It goes all the way back to my pen & paper days. The addage is "It is the GMs perragative to cheat to further the story". Its all about the story. No GM can predict every players actions. No GM can prepare for every characters skills. A GM has a story to tell and the players are only part of that story, center pieces of it but only a part. Players usally have the uncanny knack for pulling the adventre off the storyline and th GM has to eventually put them back on track, not so diffucult. Most of the rigging usually goes into the combat. At times it is required for the palyers to fail in the fight when they are about to win or vice versa so the GM "cheats" at some dice rolls in lew or in favor of the players as needed to further the story. Besides, if you dont know what the actual script is supposed to be, you will never know when the GM actually "cheats" if there any good at it
Something else I want, which doesn't appear present here but I can live without for a while longer, is a change in the paradigm of 'he who plays the most wins'. How is that changed in an MMORPG? That's a topic for several very lengthy discussions between people more intelligent than I. But I want it. Guild Wars claims they've done it. We'll see.
Depends how you classify winning, really based on your personal goals.
IN SUMMARY: (we should all consider using these paragraphs)
I understand that the world changing events are not yet patched in. Please make it abundantly clear to me when it is and what it is because I'm not going to keep chasing phantoms. And if Nevrax is going to 'rig the fight' everytime based on how the GM's want things to happen then just let me know and I'll not bother this community any longer, because being able to effect this world is the market differentiator for this game and if it's not part of the game then Nevvy lied and the game ceases to be unique and special. No amount of character customization, unique looking characters or lands, stanza customization, or cosmetic skills (WTF are they even MENTIONING this at this point?????????) can change that fact.
Its not how the GM wants things to unfold but how the story is already written, who ever is in charge of that. The GM will see that the events unfold to further the scripted story line. They may rewite stuff here and ther but there is a scripted set of events that must happen here and there in a chain most likely to reach the climax of the story.
I'm here to EFFECT the outcome of this DYNAMIC story and if that's not a possibility then I've made a mistake and I'm in the wrong place. I'm not saying the game sucks or isn't worth playing, just that it's not the game for me and I shouldn't intrude any longer. Could someone from Nevrax PLEASE answer this? A CSR, a Janitor, a Receptionist, anybody? God knows we won't actually hear from somebody who can make a difference either way. They just throw about 5% of the information at these poor CSR's and say 'stall them'.
I am to. However we can only do that if we are online when the event happens. And I doubt its all that dynamic. Thats just my opinion. None of these online games are really that dynamic yet. Someday I believe they will be. The fact is GMs will host scrited events to further the story and when the required outcome happens they can then host the next scripted event and so on until we reach the end of the story. I think what you really need Elf is a good D&D group and play pen & paper. You wont find what your really looking for in an MMORPG for years to come.
These things are all grinds, there ment to be grinds so they can make their paycheck. There is no real dynamic adventures or economy. No quest, mission or adventure is aimed at you personally but available to every player online. However in P&P games they are all made just for you.