So, I started installing Ryzom on my new computer, using this new "gradual" installer. It asked for 8GB free space when installation started. I had 9.2GB free, so I though, OK.
Now, I've decided to install only Silan for now, so I can play right away and download the rest later. "Download" phase finished okay. However, "Install" phase stops at about 50%. I tried three times, result is always the same: 1.05GB taken by Ryzom files, 8GB free space left and "Install" phase stopped at 50%-60% - not even bothering to tell me how much more free space it wants.
Anyway - SOLVED!
My inner geek suggested me to look for some logs. And indeed, I've found "ryzom_installer.log" in Ryzom directory. These are incriminating lines:
2007/07/23 21:00:31 WRN 384 client_background_downloader_rd.exe path.cpp 1890 :
PATH: CopyMoveFile error: can't link/move './patch/client_install/patch/00621/s
ound.bnp' into './data/sound.bnp', error 32
2007/07/23 21:00:31 INF 384 client_background_downloader_rd.exe common.cpp 564
: Exception will be launched: Can't rename file :./patch/client_install/patch/00
621/sound.bnp -> ./data/sound.bnp (0,No error)
2007/07/23 21:00:31 WRN 384 client_background_downloader_rd.exe login_patch.cpp
3493 : Can't rename file :./patch/client_install/patch/00621/sound.bnp -> ./dat
a/sound.bnp (0,No error)
Looks like, for some unknown reason, there was a system conflict over sound.bnp file. File was correctly unpacked, but it couldn't be moved to its' rightful destination.
So i moved it manually and restarted the install - and this time, it worked.
Being misled by completely false error message about "not enough free space", I never suspected that real cause could be something like this. Well anyway, it is solved now. Sorry for wasting your time.
Not enough free space [RESOLVED]
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