Looking for Guild information.

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Looking for Guild information.

Post by topain »

We are a group of gaming friends and have been gaming together for a few years now and a few of us have decided to join Ryzom and test out the waters. We have started a guild here call Blood Reign and we are looking for some information on guilds in general to include the following:

1. Guild money. How is this obtained?
2. Outposts. Are they only obtainable thru PvP combat and occupation?
3. Faction. Does teh guild default to w/e faction the leader is?( at current we r neutral)
4. Alliances. Some of this has been explained, but we r still a little confused how this actually works.
5. Other. Anything else Guild related that could be useful in our merging into the Ryzom world.

If I missed a link or database somewhere please point that out and I will gladly go read it. The guild leaders are usually on line under the names Tillani, Drathian, or Sunee and we would be grateful to get information in game as well.

Thank you for your time and understanding in this matter.

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Re: Looking for Guild information.

Post by doubleta »

welcome to ryzom! \o/ first off

1.) any player can put money in to the guild hall that is where guild money is stored it can only be took out by guild leader and high officers

2.)out post is obtained by declairing on a op and killing the guards a set number of times and then defending the guards a set number of rounds

3.)faction fame is gained mainly by your Guild leader and high officers it takes team work from the whole guild to get the fame high enofe to declair for a faction

4.) there are a few main alliances the kami, kara, neutral, kara tryker alliance, and kara matis alliance

5.) send thegreatdt a tell in game :)

use full sites

if you need any thing give me a tell (thegreatdt)

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you say:i got 9 more ;) ''
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Re: Looking for Guild information.

Post by vguerin »

1) As listed above is closest to accurate (grammar aside). Certain questions are hard to get a straight answer to in the forums.

2) Ah, if it was only as easy as stated above... While this is not wrong, it's the owners that are harder to knock off the roost. OP battles consist of the NPC guards, the owning guild and their allies vs. the attacker and their allies. Mix in there the politics of alliances & friends and you can see the NPC guards are the least of the problems.

3) IIRC the guild members can either be the same faction/race (allegiance wise, player race immaterial) as the guild or uncomitted.

4) There are many more alliances, or only 2 depending on how you look at things. Alliances are not restricted to anything, so there are factional, friend and convenience alliances. In the end, it's attacker vs. defender.

5) Definately don't follow #5 above :P Nobody IG will fault you in any way for just deciding how you want to play and following it (the forums is another story). We all have an agenda of sorts, and based on that you will get a swayed version of the path you should choose. You can find/make your own niche, some paths are harder than others.

Above all, enjoy the game for what it has and don't dwell on what it may be missing. Be open minded in dealings with others who have already chosen a path and watch to see who is doing (not saying in the forums) things similar to the way you as a guild want to play. The politics are both subtle and brash in the same breath... just have fun.
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