Tribe Fame System: a research

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Tribe Fame System: a research

Post by gcaldani »

Hello homins,

you can't believe how much fun was for me doing this research. I decided to do it, at beginning, because I was looking for a way to move safely packers in Trench of Trial, thru Bounty Beaches. Mainly I hate teleporting all the time to level my bad PR foraging skill. Bounty Beach is a nasty place, so would be really helpful having a tribe camp there to rest my bones and feed my animal. I soon discovered that the only tribe that could be useful, the Slavers, are a nasty bunch of evil homins that hate us, poor friendly trykers...
Having -67 fame with them I decided to discover how to increase it so I can use the camp safety but, as often happens in this strange planet, I found myself soon doing a whole research on all the tribes living here.

Most of them were already landmarked on my map, the few I missed I used BM site for the position (I normally never use spoilers, but I will need a lot of timework for this research so I decided to do. Anyway, only 6 tribes were missed in my map).

The research took me about 4 atysian months to complete and now I want to share with you my results, because would be nice to see the research done by a kamist and a neutral and other races, to compare the different results about current/max fame.

My starting setup:

I am tryker, karavan aligned and stateless. Before, I have done only Corporal and Karavan missions (in towns). Unfortunately, I never wrote on paper the fame gained/lost from Corporals, so my actual fame can be a little different from the default. In the past I have done missions only for Corsair, Silt Sculptors and Green Seed, but this happened before the fame system was patched in game, so I think they didn't affected my fame at all.

I have done 1 mission from the Tribe Welcomer of each tribe, choosing between a "reconaissance" mission and a "hunt carnivores" mission. I never choosen a 'kill bandits' mission as I don't want to gain/lost too much fame, expecially when I had to do missions for kami aligned tribes :) . Anyway I have seen that most of the tribe fame gained was at least 1 point, the same was for race fame, while my karavan fame never moved from the actual value (don't know if it is because of the fractioned value or just because it is bugged).

I found also 2 bugged Tribe Welcomers, i ticketed when found the first, didn't ticketed for the second, but csr told me that developers are aware of the problems into the fame system.

My initial fame ( i don't write here the tribe fame, as you can easily find it in the following table, subtracting 1 point):

All races: 50/50
Karavan: 92/100
Kami: -62/-50

Here is the full fame table (highlight the text to read):
(if you don't want spoilers and go to research by yourself, don't highlight the text to read it)

Fields with '!' means I was not able to get missions from the Tribe Welcomer.
In parenthesis there is the name as it appeared in my fame window, different from the effective name.

Code: Select all


#  KARAVAN                            Gain Fame        Lose Fame                    CUR     MAX
1     Antikamis                       Karavan          Kami, Zorai                  -20    +100    
2     Barkers                         Karavan          Kami                         -32    +100    
3     Black Circle                    Karavan          Kami                         -15    +100    
4     Chlorogoos                      Karavan          Kami                         -65     +50 (x)
5     Darkening Sap                    !                !                           -66    +100    
6     Firebrands                      Karavan          Kami                         -15     +50    
7     Goo Heads                       Karavan          Kami, Zorai                  -20    +100    
8     Green Seed                      Karavan,                                         
                                      Tryker           Kami                         +42    +100    
9     Kitin Gatherers                 Karavan          Kami                         +17    +100    
10   Lawless                           !                !                           -67    +100    
11   Master Of The Goo                Karavan          Kami, Zorai                  +13    +100    
12   Matisian Border Guards           Karavan          Kami, First Deserters        -27    +100    
13   Night Turners                    Karavan          Kami                          +1     +50    
14   Oasis Diggers                    Karavan, Fyros   Kami                         +37    +100    
15   Renegades                        Karavan          Kami, Fyros                  +13    +100    
16   Root Tappers                     Karavan,                                         
                                      Tryker           Kami                         +50     +50    
17   Sap Slaves                       Karavan, Matis   Kami, Ancient Dryads          -9    +100    
18   Scorchers                        Karavan          Kami, Fyros, Fraiders        +13     +50    
19   Silt Sculptors                   Karavan, Tryker  Kami                         +39    +100    
20   Slavers                           !                !                           -67     +50    
21   Smugglers                        Karavan          Kami                          +1    +100    
22   The Arid Matis                   Karavan, Matis   Kami, Woven Bridles          -22     +50    
23   The Kuild                        Karavan, Matis   Kami,                              
                                                       The Company of Eternal Tree,                     
                                                       Recoverers                   +36    +100    
24   The Slash And Burn               Karavan          Kami, Matis                  -50    +100 (*)

#  KAMI                               Gain Fame        Lose Fame                    CUR     MAX
1     Ancient Dryads                   !                !                           -69     -50    
2     Beachcombers                    Kami             Karavan                      +30     +30    
3     Cockroaches                     Kami             Karavan                      -50     -50    
4     Company of the                                         
      Eternal Tree                    Kami, Zorai      Karavan, Kuild               -50     -50 (*)
5     Corsairs                        Kami, Tryker     Karavan                      +49     +50    
6     Dune Riders                     Kami             Karavan                      -32     +50    
7     Ecowarriors                     Kami, Zorai,                              
                                      Tryker           Karavan                      -50     -50    
8     First Deserter                  Kami             Karavan, Matis,                    
                                                       Matisian Border Guards       -51     +50 (*)
9     Frahar Hunters                  Kami, Fyros      Karavan                      +30     +30    
10    Hamazans Of The                                         
      Dead Seed                       Kami             Karavan                      -16     +30    
11    Icon Worshippers                Kami, Zorai      Karavan                       -5     +50    
12    Keepers                         Kami             Karavan                      +17     +30    
13    Lagoon Brothers                  !                !                           -72     +30    
14    Leviers                         Kami, Fyros      Karavan                      -48     +30    
15    Pyromancers                     Kami, Fyros      Karavan                      -11     +30    
16    Recoverers                      Kami             Karavan, Kuild               -50     -50    
17    Sacred Sap                      Kami, Zorai      Karavan, Matis               -50     -50    
18    Sap Gleaners                    Kami             Karavan                      -66     -50 (x)
19    Shadow Runners                  Kami, Tryker     Karavan                      +30     +30    
20    Siblings of the Weeds           Kami, Zorai      Karavan                       +1     +30    
21    Tutors                          Kami, Zorai      Karavan                      -64     -50    
22    Watchers (Restorers)            Kami, Fyros      Karavan                      -28     +30    
23    Water Breakers                  Kami, Fyros      Karavan                      -44     +30    
24    Woven Bridles                    !                !                           -68     +50    

#  PRIMITIVES TRIBES                  Gain Fame        Lose Fame                    CUR     MAX
1     Cuzans (Cute)                   Karavan          Kami, Lagoon Brothers         +1     +50 (**)
2     Fraiders (Frahar)               Karavan          Kami, Scorchers              -33     +75 (**)
3    Gibads (Gibbay)                  Kami             Karavan                      -15     +50 (**)

(x) Strangely, after the mission i can see the tribe listed, but it shows -66 fame, 
this means i had -67 before the mission. 
Why the Tribe Welcomer gave me a mission? This sounds a bug.

(*) These tribes attack me also if i have a fame higher than -65.
I was able to get a mission tho, but it's up to you to discover how i got them.

(**) They have no sign of a faction into camp, but 2 give positive fame 
with Karavan and 1 with Kami, also 2 of them are enemies of a tribe 
present in the same region, regardless of the faction.

#  CITIZENS (*)       Gain Fame                      Lose Fame                            
Fyros                 Fyros                          Lawless                     
                      Frahars Hunters                Renegades                    
                      Leviers                        Scorchers                    
                      Oasis Diggers                                           
                      Root Tappers                                          
                      Water Breakers                                        
Matis                 Matis                          Ancient Dryads                     
                      Darkening Sap                  First Deserters                   
                      Green Seed                     Sacred Sap                        
                      Sap Slaves                     The Slash and Burn              
                      The Arid Matis                 Woven Bridles                     
Zorai                 Zorai                          Antikamis                            
                      The Company of                 Darkening Sap                    
                      Eternal Tree                   Goo Heads                            
                      Ecowarriors                    Master of the Goo                  
                      Icon Worshippers                                                  
                      Sacred Sap                                                            
                      Siblings of the Weeds                                              
Tryker                Tryker                         Lagoon Brother                     
                      Corsairs                       Slavers                                  
                      Green Seed                                                         
                      Root Tappers                                                         
                      Shadow Runners                                                   
                      Silt Sculptors                                                        
(*) I have done one mission from some city welcomer, captain, corporal and
ambassador. It seems to me that everyone gives the same fame related to
their race, so i assume all the NPC in towns gives the same fame. 
'Same fame' means, here, the same kind of gain/lost fame relations 
with tribes, not the fame values.

Furthermore, karavan welcomer at altars give only karavan fame, 
i suppose the same is for the kami side.
But, finally, I discovered what I was looking for at beginning: 
factions into tribe camps :) give me the fame needed.
The requirement is '0' fame with the faction so, at least a small advantage 
to neutrals is here (very small, i admit) as they could work with all tribes,
if they want to.

I will work in the future to remove the '!', but anyone that can fill them is welcomed.

Final note:
Seems to me that tribe fame is not faction related.
For ppl that, sure, will tell me that there is a matrix in ryzom.raum, I just point that it is not complete and not easy to read (and, as i said, i had a lot of fun doing this).
I don't know if the rule 'less than -65' should be the only one for the KoS behaviour, but some tribe KoS also with a higher fame, probably because of something related to the Lore. Also I don't know if they stop KoS if you get 0 or higher fame (i have to try it) but i suppose they should do. For sure the system have some bug and I hope the developers will work to fix them. Tribe Camps are very useful.

I hope you appreciated this job and would be really nice to see any addiction to it, expecially from homins with different starting fame (and relationship).
Last edited by gcaldani on Thu Jul 05, 2007 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tribe Fame System: a research

Post by xl2i5 »

hey gil,
for some reason i cant see the code. im on mac right now.. which could be the problem.. just thought id bring it up though. really interested so hope i can see it when i get to the pc.
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Re: Tribe Fame System: a research

Post by gcaldani »

xl2i5 wrote:hey gil,
for some reason i cant see the code. im on mac right now.. which could be the problem.. just thought id bring it up though. really interested so hope i can see it when i get to the pc.
mmm, you are not able to select the text with a Mac? I used same color of the background so you must select the text to read it.

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Re: Tribe Fame System: a research

Post by calel »

gcaldani wrote: I don't know if the rule 'less than -65' should be the only one for the KoS behaviour, but some tribe KoS also with a higher fame, probably because of something related to the Lore.
You should be KOS at -51 or -50.decimal. -66 is a hard cap for fame only dependant on your racial origin and/or Citizenship, Faction allegiance.
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Re: Tribe Fame System: a research

Post by riveit »

gcaldani wrote:Final note:
Seems to me that tribe fame is not faction related.

I hope you appreciated this job and would be really nice to see any addiction to it, expecially from homins with different starting fame (and relationship).
The initial tribal fame scores depend on your race. The tribal fame caps are faction dependent. For instance, if you went to the Ecowarrior tribe as a Tryker before you took the Karavan rite, you would have found an Ecowarrior tribal fame cap of 100. However, because they are such ardent Kamists, after you took the rite, your Ecowarrior tribal fame cap drops to -50. You can get to -50.0000 fame with them and they will stop attacking you however.

If you want to see more discussion of tribal fame caps and such, there is a old Ballistic Mystix thread: ... t/
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Re: Tribe Fame System: a research

Post by gcaldani »

riveit wrote:The initial tribal fame scores depend on your race. The tribal fame caps are faction dependent. For instance, if you went to the Ecowarrior tribe as a Tryker before you took the Karavan rite, you would have found an Ecowarrior tribal fame cap of 100. However, because they are such ardent Kamists, after you took the rite, your Ecowarrior tribal fame cap drops to -50. You can get to -50.0000 fame with them and they will stop attacking you however.

If you want to see more discussion of tribal fame caps and such, there is a old Ballistic Mystix thread:

I know that, that's why i asked different homins to put their contribution and why i wrote my initial fame.

I have also indicated what tribes attack me, and there are only 5 kara tribes and 6 kami tribe that kos me actually.

The BM post don't show the gain/lost fame for missions, that is what this post is meant for, not for the caps. I shown the caps just because there is room for it.

I have advised for a couple of mistakes in the tribe listing at BM (and they corrected them pretty fast) so this job had some use ;)

x Calel:

don't seems to me that -51 is the limit for KoS as Tutors don't attack me, but, hey, it can be a bug then.
But, Ecowarriors, speaking about one named by riveit, not only didn't attack me when i had -51 fame (now is -50) but they helped me when I got aggroed.
Also, the tribe welcomer minimum fame to get missions is -65, so for me the kos is for fame lower than -65 unless lore/racial related.
Last edited by gcaldani on Thu Jul 05, 2007 8:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tribe Fame System: a research

Post by xl2i5 »

ehh.. i see it now.. for some reason it shows up the same color as the background text field on this computer.. i just have to select it all, shows up in blue..
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Re: Tribe Fame System: a research

Post by riveit »

gcaldani wrote:The BM post don't show the gain/lost fame for missions, that is what this post is meant for, not for the caps.

Nice work, Gilgameesh. :) We should compare KoS lists. I have some odd ones that chase me even though I have +16 fame with them.
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Re: Tribe Fame System: a research

Post by gcaldani »

riveit wrote:Nice work, Gilgameesh. :) We should compare KoS lists. I have some odd ones that chase me even though I have +16 fame with them.
Ty :)

Well if some tribe chase you with positive fame, this answer to one of my questions. In this case, reaching 0+ fame don't give friendship? Maybe it's another bug. If it's race/lore related, then I hope Nevrax had some logic when they implemented the fame system.
Actually, if things are lore related, should be nice to have advises from NPC (maybe the tribe chief or any other) instead of having to read, eventually, the chronicles outside the game.

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Re: Tribe Fame System: a research

Post by vguerin »

gcaldani wrote:not only didn't attack me when i had -51 fame (now is -50) but they helped me when I got aggroed.
Bear in mind, they didn't help you really, they killed those tresspassing in their sector :P

PM me any locations you needs for tribes (or other misc info), I had them all listed before my old site host died and I lost all my notes... I have screenies of the locations of all tribes and, just haven't redone the work to repost them logically.

BTW, I always love folks that do their homework... fame is complicated.
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