jared96 wrote:Now how could I possibly do that being neutral ourselves

. Tho many nuetral guilds have chosen a faction just to satisfy game mechanics and ignore the whole jihad thing.
The idea was to put in place something that would promot cooperation between factions rather than comflict....so each participation by "one side" had to be balanced by the other. Two neutral guilds would satisfy that requirement....but my thought is, they gotta be able to get there and TP's to PR are the only reasonable way outside the few ones that lie near portals.
So my thought is, to satisfy the "why whould those who not willing to fight for a faction" argument that ineveitably arises, that for a truly neutral (via game mechanics) to be eligible for such and effort, the guild would have to complete a kami or kara rite for "sponsorship". This would get them a TP into PR as well right to the OP.
Oh yeah....OP's owners get TP to their OP.....not buyable ones but earnable ones. Do a kami mission do a kara mission, get a TP.
Yes, neutrals got no TP to PR and personally i don't agree with this behaviour, it satisfy the lore but not the players... Maybe your idea of doing something (a rite) for kami or kara to get tp to owned OP sounds nice, it's not unusual in other games having some disadvantage being neutral (don't give examples to avoid naming other mmo, but there is one, old and well known mmo where neutrals have less xp-multipliers, that means they level slower!!), but nothing as i know involves the movement in the world.
Need more thinking about this and more from other players, as this involves the lore, and seems most of the players are very sensible to a coherence with the lore.
Well the cooperative idea from jared could work considering neutrals too, but would be interesting to see how a kami guild and Kara guild could stay together in PR and do wars in surface..... Maybe a kami+neutral or kara+neutral? or, more simple 2 guilds, regardless of their faction (and i already see the 2 alliances regroup themselves so we never see a kami+kara allegiance in PR :rolleyes

? I think this is too complicated.
Materials for social clothing could be a good choice as it doesn't change the game balance. It would require at least one master crafting to do, so more reason to reach a master.
PS: about the TP to OP for neutrals(only?), many cons are coming in my mind that i cant put all in the topic. It cannot be done in a simple way, due to many factors: respawns, TP'ing in a declared OP and more.... don't think this can be a solution.