More Patch 1 harvesting talk..

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More Patch 1 harvesting talk..

Post by jesder »

Ok .. In patch one we will no longer be able to see source mode?

I am really against this but I dont think for the reason most people are. The problem I have is that you can still figure out the mode, but by the time you do it is too late and you either give up or use a careplan. Now as soon as you use the careplan, that mode will change on you. Basicly they are going to make it almost impossible to pull a decent qty of mats an hour. We are already getting too few mats an hour with the current system!

I can understand they need to fix the source mode exploit/bug/tactic. However I think it would be best to either leave things the way they are and just code in an extra check to make sure the mode is not changed untill after a completed action. This would leave things the way they are and just remove the exploit/bug/tactic. They could also move the display for mode to the end of the action, this would be a very easy change.

The other idea I have is to make the mode decided at the time of prospecting and nothing from that point would change the mode. This would mean that if you dont like the mode, then pull up a new source. But still let the person see the mode. Without this it is like making all MOBs look the same and removing all indicators of level and expecting fighters to just deal with it.

I have only used the exploit/bug/tactic that is being "fixed" once and that was just to see if it really worked and to talk to a GM about it.
JesDyr - The Dead Forager
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Re: More Patch 1 harvesting talk..

Post by korin77 »

And how do you know they will not change the amount of mats you pull out? or the speed? You naturally assume everything will stay the same. If they are making improvements I'm assuming its for the better. Afterall the current xp system only matters if you pull 1 mat and not really affected by multiple mats. They could add more mats to your pulls and never affect the xp rate.
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Re: More Patch 1 harvesting talk..

Post by lyrah68 »

Ok, so they code it so you can't change it during extraction cycle. You don't like what you get...SIT...reextract. Not that I would do that, even on mainland, since I use gentle Quality about 99% of the time, I avoid depleting nodes about 90% of the time, and only occasionally die to explosions. (prolly less now since I gained a few levels mellee last night).

I honestly feel that the mode exploit was not a big issue, didn't harm me any. But what IS an issue is the way materials are tossed out on the map like a childs lego bricks. On Newblands, the map made sense, once I had it drawn up and looked at it. It was almost orderly, two cities for best protection rated Choice only light armor, two other cities for best damage and speed Choice only weapons. But on the mainlands, six DAYS and I still haven't found all the choice nodes for the mats I use. Mostly due to having to avoid agros.

I like a challenge and all, but there is a point where challenge becomes FRUSTRATION. *picks up two Yubos and bashes them together*
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Re: More Patch 1 harvesting talk..

Post by korin77 »

Thats odd, I never had problems finding the mats I needed at low levels. You think thats frustrating, try going to the borderlands to harvest as a tryker. Its no walk in the lake.
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Re: More Patch 1 harvesting talk..

Post by jesder »

korin77 wrote:And how do you know they will not change the amount of mats you pull out? or the speed? You naturally assume everything will stay the same. If they are making improvements I'm assuming its for the better. Afterall the current xp system only matters if you pull 1 mat and not really affected by multiple mats. They could add more mats to your pulls and never affect the xp rate.
I wasnt talking about XP at all so I am not sure why you are bringing it into the conversation. This is totaly about how many mats someone can pull in X amount of time. This is the point of harvesting! You harvest to get Mats, not EXP. Exp is a needed evil to show a level of effort put into the skill. The more you put into it, the better you get. You could make harvesters get 10k xp a pull and if they are not getting more than a few mats an hour, the skill is pointless.

And how Do I know they wont change the amount .. Well I dont .. I CANNOT TEST IT since I did not preorder. Nothing I have seen from anyone who is worthy to test or in the patch notes has said a damn thing about QTY on the test server. So, in my mind nothing is changing.

Edit -

I should note .. even if I could play on the test server, I do not think I would actually be able to test due to limited play time. Now if there was a way to quickly test various levels of a skill, then yes I would put a few hours of testing in from time to time. However In order to test how a crafter would play at say lvl 90 .. I would first need to level up to that point and I dont have time for that.
JesDyr - The Dead Forager
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Re: More Patch 1 harvesting talk..

Post by korin77 »

Well, my point is don't complain about something til it actually comes out. You don't know exactly what is going to change, so why complain about it?
Korin - Tryker - Retired

125 2h pierce melee, 105 2h slash melee, 91 lake forage, 55 forest forage, 55 desert forage, 61 prime roots forage, 91 heavy armor craft, 55 light armor craft, 58 medium armor craft, 62 2h melee craft, 52 1h melee craft.
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Re: More Patch 1 harvesting talk..

Post by oloriun »

Can harvest plenty of mats as is, you are doing something wrong or you are excessively greedy.

Wait until the patch is actually out, none of us have any idea how its actually going to be, if they even implement major harvesting changes this patch.
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Re: More Patch 1 harvesting talk..

Post by jesder »

korin77 wrote:Well, my point is don't complain about something til it actually comes out. You don't know exactly what is going to change, so why complain about it?
Soo .. we all should just sit here and never offer any ideas on how to improve the game? We should all just accept whatever is thrown into production?

Feedback is a good thing. I am not complaining, I am offering ideas on how to improve the system. I have the right to voice these opinions and ideas just as you have the right to play the wait and see game.

If we could get a better idea about where they are going with the changes in patch 1, then maybe I would not have have made this post.
JesDyr - The Dead Forager
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Re: More Patch 1 harvesting talk..

Post by jesder »

oloriun wrote:Can harvest plenty of mats as is, you are doing something wrong or you are excessively greedy.
What do you consider "plenty of mats" .. rightnow I pull about 100 - 150 an hour not including travel/searching time. This is far too low considering the amount of mats needed by crafters. Greed has nothing to do with this. I dont make much if anything off of my mats. Most of them lately have gone into ammo crafting. If greed was my motivation I would just be a melee fighter. But no, I am taking up the most useless skills in the game (ranged combat and ranged crafting) .. the way I see it they cant really make things worse :) That and launchers are way too much fun.
JesDyr - The Dead Forager
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Re: More Patch 1 harvesting talk..

Post by oloriun »

jesder wrote:What do you consider "plenty of mats" .. rightnow I pull about 100 - 150 an hour not including travel/searching time. This is far too low considering the amount of mats needed by crafters. Greed has nothing to do with this. I dont make much if anything off of my mats. Most of them lately have gone into ammo crafting. If greed was my motivation I would just be a melee fighter. But no, I am taking up the most useless skills in the game (ranged combat and ranged crafting) .. the way I see it they cant really make things worse :) That and launchers are way too much fun.

I'm a crafter I'm aware how quickly the mats go.

You mentioned ammo crafting - well thats the worst for mat usage, that not balanced. I still stick with the fact we can harvest just fine right now.
Rulers of Atys
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