Torture didn't work but bribe did... The Brotherhood of the Fortunate Gubani finally spoke. In the first weeks of existence of their new game, here's the quantity of dappers they could gather. They are thankful but hope to gain even more dappers, of course.
Below are the number of tokens spent in each capital city from the release of casinos (the 4th of May) to today (the 16th).
One token costs 1000 dappers.
Fyros: 271,068
Matis: 481,546
Tryker: 254,338
Zoraï: 201,155
Total: 1,208,107
Fyros: 576,916
Matis: 370,996
Tryker: 349,827
Zoraï: 307,857
Total: 1,605,596
Fyros: 177,069
Matis: 405,084
Tryker: 251,613
Zoraï: 109,128
Total: 970,320
Cross-shard total: 3,784,023... Yes, the Brotherhood of the Fortunate Gubani is rich.
A few figures about tokens
A few figures about tokens
Ryzom Community Liaison
Ryzom Community Liaison
Re: A few figures about tokens
So they can upgrade the wheel now?

Avatar of Destruction
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Avatar of Destruction
Master Heavy-Swordsman
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Re: A few figures about tokens
Is the dappers spent... WOW.......
Marjo wrote: Arispotle
Fyros: 271,068,000
Matis: 481,546,000
Tryker: 254,338,000
Zoraï: 201,155,000
Total: 1,208,107,000
Fyros: 576,916,000
Matis: 370,996,000
Tryker: 349,827,000
Zoraï: 307,857,000
Total: 1,605,596,000
Fyros: 177,069,000
Matis: 405,084,000
Tryker: 251,613,000
Zoraï: 109,128,000
Total: 970,320,000
Cross-shard total: 3,784,023,000... Yes, the Brotherhood of the Fortunate Gubani is rich.
Is the dappers spent... WOW.......
Lord of the universe
Truth - Honor - Integrity
~Atys Paladin at heart~ALWAYS!
Re: A few figures about tokens
1.2 billion DappersArispotle
Fyros: 271,068
Matis: 481,546
Tryker: 254,338
Zoraï: 201,155
Total: 1,208,107
Great job, and most of the items are still considered rare which means longevity!
Last edited by final60 on Thu May 17, 2007 4:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: A few figures about tokens
I still think consumable items need to be less rare, as lets face it, they don't last and we can never get enough shinys. 

Jayce - Right-click is your friend in this world.
Master Forest Forager | Master Prime Roots Forager |Expert Lakeland Forager @ Q250
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[ Matis Noble | Karavaneer | Wayfarer | Arispotle ]
[ Gear Requirements | Server Status | Acronyms | Atys Time | Fireworks ]
Re: A few figures about tokens
Can we use the tokens spent as an extremely rough guide to nation population ?
So on Aris, there are almost twice as many people spending in Yrkanis as anywhere else, while on Leanon, the Fyros lead by 200,000, and Aniro Zoraï are actually as rare as people keep saying Zoraï are

these figures are distorted as there is no way to tell how much each individual is spending, but it does provide some kind of idea
So on Aris, there are almost twice as many people spending in Yrkanis as anywhere else, while on Leanon, the Fyros lead by 200,000, and Aniro Zoraï are actually as rare as people keep saying Zoraï are

these figures are distorted as there is no way to tell how much each individual is spending, but it does provide some kind of idea
Re: A few figures about tokens
I dont think you could use it at a rough guide to population as alot of ppl who spent in yrk were non matis, yrk just happens to be where alot of ppl have their GH
Re: A few figures about tokens
Yes, its not a racial population tool, but it still gives an idea of where people actually spend their time - and dappers -
making the assumption that people will generally gamble at their 'home base'
I wonder what the numbers would look like if they had wheels at Dyron and Min-Cho ?
making the assumption that people will generally gamble at their 'home base'
I wonder what the numbers would look like if they had wheels at Dyron and Min-Cho ?
Re: A few figures about tokens
One of the nicest intitatives in game lately, these casions. Good work, gubanis 
(and no, I am almost never gambling
but notice around me how many people have fun with them, while they also have good influence in the game economy)

(and no, I am almost never gambling

>>> FAA - TS <<<
primus inter pares
"Since once I sat upon a promontory,
And heard a mermaid on a dolphin's back"
primus inter pares
"Since once I sat upon a promontory,
And heard a mermaid on a dolphin's back"
Re: A few figures about tokens
so what does the brotherhood plan to do with all that money ? 
oh...why not spend it on the wheel

oh...why not spend it on the wheel

[size=-2]Knight Leviers