We are seeing introduction of new titles with Jackpot which is good and leads me to think that introducing titles may not be a huge development effort.
Now there is a serious imbalance in title repartition between melee and craft skill trees..
- Melee has different titles for each branche: master heavy swordman, Axeman, maceman and so on: 10 titles for melee and 4 for magic (I include magic as it is part of weapon crafting...)
- Crafting titles for weapon craft do not really reflect the skill which is mastered:
Master Heavy Weapon Crafter is the same for 2h Axe, sword, mace and pike.
If I am not mistaken it gives 4 titles for 11 branches (or is it 3) including amp craft.. and even amp craft wording of the title is not really good reflexion of the skill mastered..
Please add titles to the weapon craft tree:
Master Heavy Axe Crafter
Master Heavy Sword Crafter
Master Light sword Crafter
Master Dagger crafter and so on...
More diversity and also would allow other player to know immediately what we can craft.