Hello, new to the game and just want to say hi. It is a strange and fun game at the same time. Don't know what to make of it yet. I've played many mmo's and never found one that i stayed with yet.
Do missions ever pay credits? I'm on the newbie isle and so far everything i harvest says not tradeable to vendors. So i have to ask if this is a crafters game? Also in the upper lvl's, Can you solo or have to be grouped all the time?
I made a fryos character fighter. Is this a good choice for a new player?
Newbie here
Re: Newbie here
Hi Castagere, welcome to Ryzom 
Some of the tasks on the mainland pay in dappers, yes, but you'd be advised to continue foraging and crafting for your money. If what you're digging up is untradeable then you're digging "mission" mats, as opposed to craftable mats. Any mat called Basic, Fine, Choice, Excellent or Supreme is a craftable one, mission mats are graded as Average, Prime, Select, Superb and Magnificent.
Digging and crafting are usually done solo, or with a buddy. Hunting is generally far more efficient in a team because then people can heal each other rather than rest up when they need to.
The difference between the races is almost entirely cosmetic, so any is a good start for a newcomer.

Some of the tasks on the mainland pay in dappers, yes, but you'd be advised to continue foraging and crafting for your money. If what you're digging up is untradeable then you're digging "mission" mats, as opposed to craftable mats. Any mat called Basic, Fine, Choice, Excellent or Supreme is a craftable one, mission mats are graded as Average, Prime, Select, Superb and Magnificent.
Digging and crafting are usually done solo, or with a buddy. Hunting is generally far more efficient in a team because then people can heal each other rather than rest up when they need to.
The difference between the races is almost entirely cosmetic, so any is a good start for a newcomer.
Last edited by jamela on Sun Apr 08, 2007 9:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Newbie here
Welcome Castagere!
Yes, Silan does take some getting used to but, thats why there is Uni-chat and regional to help you with questions or advice. Since Universal covers the game (server) you'll hear from both new homins like yourself and those that have earned the lines on their faces through trial and error. So, enjoy your stay here and hope you become a mainlander soon!
Yes, Silan does take some getting used to but, thats why there is Uni-chat and regional to help you with questions or advice. Since Universal covers the game (server) you'll hear from both new homins like yourself and those that have earned the lines on their faces through trial and error. So, enjoy your stay here and hope you become a mainlander soon!
Server: Arispostle
Main Character: Bosse
Guild: Fluffy Bunnies, High Officer.
Website: Fluffybunnies.net
Alternate Character:Aked
Location:Ruins of Silan
Main Character: Bosse
Guild: Fluffy Bunnies, High Officer.
Website: Fluffybunnies.net
Alternate Character:Aked
Location:Ruins of Silan