Yes exactly, (Freddy Mercury Quote )you can be everything you want to be, just turn yourself into everything you thought that you could ever be.kanechart wrote:Thanks for all your help so far from everyone of you and all the people in game also. I made char her name Is Ashleys.
Another few questions now I been playing game for few hours.
Let me get this right. At end game lets say u maxed every skill possible. You can be everything you want to be? So theres not limitation like example WoW being a Mage only or a Warrior only. Only being able to use certain items by ur class?
IF you max out everything, wich as far as I know, nobody has managed yet. Some come close though, after a loooong time of playing. (about two years in the least)
Well, the first pair of boots has the better protection and is somewhat lighter.kanechart wrote: And my next real question hehe Please help me with the image below!
While the second pair has the higher Quality level, it´s made from heavier stuff wich did not grant any good protection and endurance of the material. You could compare it to a pair of clay briks on your feet heavy, but will break once hit with something hard
Just keep trying, you will find a good recipe someday if you are into puzzles