I just migrated my character to the mainland (this account is not my main one), and I noticed that there is a lot of water.
Can your mount/packer swim or teleport?
If I can craft melee & range weapons, why can I not craft a boat.
Random Questions
Re: Random Questions
Yep, Liberty Lakes can be a bit of a pain to travel around and explore, even when you think you know most of the landing ledges. Mektoubs can swim, yes, and mounts can be ridden in the water too. They cannot teleport but they can follow you through portals. I think only one prototype boat was ever made, and I believe it sank in a storm without reliable eye-witness accounts.
(Ship Ahoy!)
(Ship Ahoy!)
Re: Random Questions
Mounts and packers can swim, but can't teleport with you. Boats are not part of the game(yet).