Eye Of Atys - Looking for a few good Homins to support the Kami

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Eye Of Atys - Looking for a few good Homins to support the Kami

Post by rhaenaan »

  • Do you believe that Atys belongs to all Homins?
  • Do you become annoyed or frustrated seeing our lands strip-mined and our world overrun by Goo?
  • Do you like a challenge?
  • Do you want to be part of a guild where you, personally, can make a difference?
  • Do you want to avoid becoming a cog in a Mega-guild?
  • Do you want to be part of rebuilding one of the original Atysian guilds?
Eye Of Atys (Eye of Wonder) is one of the First Guilds of Atys. Originally an alliance between the Tryker and Fyros during the great Matis water blockades, we grew to realize that no single race has a monopoly on ignorance and no single race is the "one, true and only" child of Atys. Though we came to this world out of desperation, the Kami welcomed us all with open arms and helped us make Atys our home. Our own generation has grown alongside the seeds of Atys and her sap has mingled in our veins to make us who we are. There is no Tryker, Matis, Fyros or Zorai. We are all Homins and the children of Atys.

We exist for the preservation of Atys for Hominkind. Our alliance with the Kami is one based on mutual goals and not on servitude or blind worship. The Kami are the caretakers of Atys and Atys is the lifegiver to Homins. It is in our best interests to ally with them and work towards common goals. It is also in our interests to protect and further the Kami agenda.

We have no inherent fight with any other race. Worship Jena or Ma'Duk or the great Hairy-Legged-Kincher of Shooting Meadow. Any who work for the good of Atys and Hominkind are our allies. Even some more liberal Karavan may count themselves amongst our friends.

HOWEVER....those who would rape our world and would deny Homins their birthright ARE OUR ENEMIES. We can not close our eyes to those who would steal our resources and load them onto ships bound for other worlds; who would kill fellow homins out of some religious idealism or who would mindlessly slaughter peaceful harvesters for digging in "their land".

Guilds that would steal from the Kami or overrun Kami outposts must be considered as a plague that should be contained and ultimately eliminated. If the caretakers of Atys are destroyed, where does that leave Hominkind? We will be left with a dying world, covered in Goo while the Karavan ships move on to their next conquest. This is not a battle of vague religious ideals. This is a battle for our survival.

To those Karavan who wish to live in peaceful coexistance; We salute you. Those who would treat Atys as their own personal feeding trough with no regard for her well-being, be advised that the Eye watches once more.

Eye Of Atys
Guild Leader - Braveganzar
Mission - Protection of Atys for the benefit of all Hominkind
Racial Alignment - Fyros
Faction Alignment - Kami
Guild Hall - Just off of Merchant's Walk in Pyr (Fyros)
Roleplaying - RP Friendly, but not a hardcore RP guild.
KoS - None. We attack when provoked and defend as required. We do NOT beleive in "Kill on sight" policies under any circumstances.
PvP - Do what you will. Group PvP is encouraged in the battle for our survival. Individual PvP is your decision.
Equipment - All trade within the guild is based on a "one for all" system. Guild members are expected to help other guild members. Materials, equipment, support, defense, are all tradable commodities within the guild. Though we don't formally track the exchanges, we do expect people to pull their weight within the guild. Leeching or abusing the generosity of other guild members will not be tolerated.
Trade - Open trade with all guilds and factions. We encourage crafters to profit from their trade. (just not from other guild members)
Outpost - We do not currently hold an outpost. We are part of the Community OP and we trade with other guilds for Catalyser crystals and OP materials.
Levels - All levels and skills are welcome.

Caveat: We are reforming after a long guild hiatus. This is an opportunity for new recruits to help reshape and rebuild one of the original founding guilds.

Caveat II: [highlight]We're all here to have fun[/highlight]. RP, battles, PvP and guild politics should never get in the way of that basic premise. If you want to be part of a hard-core militaristic guild that makes you lose sleep at night, EoA is not a guild for you. We're more of a family guild that takes care of our own. (and our allies)

If EoA sounds like your kind of guild, contact Braveganzar, Rhaenaan or anyone else bearing the guild markings of the Eye of Atys
Rhaenaan of Thesos
Eye Of Atys - http://TBD
(Dedicated to the preservation of Atys for all Hominkind)
Veni, Fudi, Fugi (I Came. I Dug. I Ran Away)
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Re: Eye Of Atys - Looking for a few good Homins to support the Kami

Post by karmelit »

I wish you the best and may you always be prosperous :)
dead - gone - waporised
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Re: Eye Of Atys - Looking for a few good Homins to support the Kami

Post by kmatoy »

:D Love the post Rhae!!! *gives Rhae a big smooch*

Leader Of Eye of Atys
I am the Master of AFK :confused:
RIP-my dear brothers!
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