are there always Great Overlord Kipuckers in GoC? And who came up with that name?
I am now moving in to GoC for the big push to AoD and last night was my first night there so it's all new to me, but even my guide hadn't seen them there before. I have never been through an invasion before so I don't know if it just happens one day or if there are hints beforehand.
Now, back to the names of things. Today at work I was digging though some old old code and came upon a class called GenReadablePW which, surprise, generates readable passwords. I peeked inside and was amazed by the (ahem, not externalized) huge collection of really really offensive words and word fragments that could be read as offensive. I then remembered that shortly after I wrote version 1.0 of this class a sales guy had been given the password "dumhead", at which he took some offense. Immediately afterwards I had combed the web for lists of offensive words and built censorship lists. It's trickier than it sounds, nothing seems offensive about any of these fragments:"ura,ima,shea,hea,hooda" until you add "ho" to the end. I am sure it becomes a hundred times harder when you are translating between languages.Nonetheless, I have to mention some things in game which strike me as odd.
The Waterbreakers - that just didn't translate well, I look at it and it reads like some sort of group of pro-active midwives and I just don't want to know any more. Seriously, I am not looking for the most evocative reading, it just doesn't scan any other way.
The system of mob adjectives doesn't really make much sense to me, but none of them worried me too much until I saw "Rooting <mob>". Once long ago on a somewhat formal international mailing list I was involved in a conversation that went something like this:
Yank1: Okay that's it, I am just going to go and try it!
Yank2: We're all rooting for you!
Aussie1: Well that was unfortunate.
He went on to explain that for him the word "rooting" described what animals do to procreate and nothing like, as it meant to Yank2(me), "cheering". He might have been pulling my leg, but the first time a saw a Rooting <mob>, while I scanned it as "<mob> which digs around in the ground" I nonetheless had to wonder how that scanned in Oz.
(For most of us on that list it was our first exposure to speakers of different English dialects and mistakes were made. And I will never ever again use the American name for that sort of zippered bag worn on a belt around the waist.)
Re: Kipucker?
The kipuckers are leftover from a (long ago) previous invasion.
Jelathnia, Kasarinia, KianShi, Maethro, ShuaLi, and OPaxie (Arispotle)
TeiJeng (Leanon)
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"Ryzom: We dare to be different. Do you dare to adapt?" - Acridiel
TeiJeng (Leanon)
ï = ALT+0239 | advice for mission design | Zoraï masks
long-distance communication | some foods and drinks | Zoraï pictograms
"Ryzom: We dare to be different. Do you dare to adapt?" - Acridiel
Re: Kipucker?
Well, in regards to Armas crapaces being made mostly out of wood and roots, it makes actual a bit of sense to have a "rooting" one.
Menaing, a beast that has got roots sprouting all over... or something.
And Ryzom being a french game, translated by french guys or girls... well.. just as you said... difficult.
You should see the german version though... *cough* It´s horrible... *sigh*
And the Waterbrakers, they are namend like this, because of their history of protecting the old waterways of the old lands,or something, if I´m not mistaken.
Anyways... maybe someone responsible reads it
Menaing, a beast that has got roots sprouting all over... or something.
And Ryzom being a french game, translated by french guys or girls... well.. just as you said... difficult.
You should see the german version though... *cough* It´s horrible... *sigh*
And the Waterbrakers, they are namend like this, because of their history of protecting the old waterways of the old lands,or something, if I´m not mistaken.
Anyways... maybe someone responsible reads it

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Bardentreffen / Atys Kundschafter
Re: Kipucker?
tengheau wrote:are there always Great Overlord Kipuckers in GoC? And who came up with that name?
I am now moving in to GoC for the big push to AoD and last night was my first night there so it's all new to me, but even my guide hadn't seen them there before. I have never been through an invasion before so I don't know if it just happens one day or if there are hints beforehand.
Now, back to the names of things. Today at work I was digging though some old old code and came upon a class called GenReadablePW which, surprise, generates readable passwords. I peeked inside and was amazed by the (ahem, not externalized) huge collection of really really offensive words and word fragments that could be read as offensive. I then remembered that shortly after I wrote version 1.0 of this class a sales guy had been given the password "dumhead", at which he took some offense. Immediately afterwards I had combed the web for lists of offensive words and built censorship lists. It's trickier than it sounds, nothing seems offensive about any of these fragments:"ura,ima,shea,hea,hooda" until you add "ho" to the end. I am sure it becomes a hundred times harder when you are translating between languages.Nonetheless, I have to mention some things in game which strike me as odd.
The Waterbreakers - that just didn't translate well, I look at it and it reads like some sort of group of pro-active midwives and I just don't want to know any more. Seriously, I am not looking for the most evocative reading, it just doesn't scan any other way.
The system of mob adjectives doesn't really make much sense to me, but none of them worried me too much until I saw "Rooting <mob>". Once long ago on a somewhat formal international mailing list I was involved in a conversation that went something like this:
Yank1: Okay that's it, I am just going to go and try it!
Yank2: We're all rooting for you!
Aussie1: Well that was unfortunate.
He went on to explain that for him the word "rooting" described what animals do to procreate and nothing like, as it meant to Yank2(me), "cheering". He might have been pulling my leg, but the first time a saw a Rooting <mob>, while I scanned it as "<mob> which digs around in the ground" I nonetheless had to wonder how that scanned in Oz.
(For most of us on that list it was our first exposure to speakers of different English dialects and mistakes were made. And I will never ever again use the American name for that sort of zippered bag worn on a belt around the waist.)
Rofl that last reference made me just about fall out of my chair!

Znathara (Arispotle)- Jack-of -all Trades! Master of none ATM!
Proud High Officer of Phaedrea's Tears

Proud High Officer of Phaedrea's Tears
Re: Kipucker?
I try to exploit this whenever I can for fun, just lapsed a bit latelyzanthar wrote:...And I do know what you mean about the different terms used because 2 of my best buds in game are from Austrailia and England! It's kinda neat to learn their meanings for different words compared to an American's meaning.

Re: Kipucker?
Kipuckers are invasion kitin, usually you only see them during invasions. Same with the "Overlord", "Great Overlord", those are invasion kitin adjectives. There are also Great Overlord Kipee, Great Overlord Kirosta, Great Overlord Kincher and so on.
The Kipucker are a little odd though, all the other invasion kitin have their regular names. I have no idea why the invasion Kipucka have to be 'Kipucker'.
In either case, for some reason all the Kipucka in GoC have been replaced with Kipucker. They're the same as normal Kipucka except that they have half as much health and give half as much experience. Because of the half health, they're actually nicely easy to nuke before they can reach you
As for the 'rooting', I'm pretty sure he was not pulling your leg.
The Kipucker are a little odd though, all the other invasion kitin have their regular names. I have no idea why the invasion Kipucka have to be 'Kipucker'.
In either case, for some reason all the Kipucka in GoC have been replaced with Kipucker. They're the same as normal Kipucka except that they have half as much health and give half as much experience. Because of the half health, they're actually nicely easy to nuke before they can reach you

As for the 'rooting', I'm pretty sure he was not pulling your leg.
Re: Kipucker?
Well, even in English - though probably not a common term in America (I'm American; I'm just out of touch) - we have "rutting". Which, as you can see, has some similarities to "rooting". But "rooting" is what pigs do in dirt for truffles, what I do in my closet while looking for my lost shoe...tengheau wrote:He went on to explain that for him the word "rooting" described what animals do to procreate
I wonder if it is as much of a pronunciation issue between the three English speaking regions in question as it is the actual word.....
Very interesting things though!!
Jeziellia Mara'tyr
Officer, House Etchmarc, Arispotle
Better by far you should forget and smile than you should remember and be sad.
Christina Rossetti (1830 - 1894)
[size=-2]OOC: Jeziellia's Journal is OOC knowledge only. Possibilities of reading it IC should be brought to me for discussion. Thank you![/size]
Officer, House Etchmarc, Arispotle
Better by far you should forget and smile than you should remember and be sad.
Christina Rossetti (1830 - 1894)
[size=-2]OOC: Jeziellia's Journal is OOC knowledge only. Possibilities of reading it IC should be brought to me for discussion. Thank you![/size]
Re: Kipucker?
I think so. Before the (so-called, and solipsisticallynamed) Great Vowel Shift the "oo" in root, book, good etc. sounded like rohhht, bohhhk, gohhhd. When what we think of as an 'oo' sound was written down it was written at 'u'. But was the Chancerygoing to change just because of the reality on the ground? Not on your life. :)jennaelf wrote:I wonder if it is as much of a pronunciation issue between the three English speaking regions in question as it is the actual word.....
And of course sound change continues because Real Languages (meaning the ~5800 that are not written vs. the ~200 that are) change constantly.
My current favorite change is from in-game chat text, the diphthongthat Ozzies(I think it's just them) are using to turn "cool" into "cowl". Take that Chancery English! With the rise of real-time world-wide text communication there is nothing you pedantscan do to stop it! muahahahaha!
Or so I hear,
Last edited by tengheau on Mon Apr 02, 2007 4:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Kipucker?
as an aussie.. or an Ozzie, although that sounds like some ex-celebrity from TV land, I can verify that 'rooting' has similar meaning to 'screwing' which is another perfectly inoffensive term in some contexts, and 'bonking' which doesnt have any other meaning so far as I am aware, but just sounds stupid.
The best Ryzom cross-translation embarrasment Ive heard of would be the Russians and a certain named mob.
The best Ryzom cross-translation embarrasment Ive heard of would be the Russians and a certain named mob.

Re: Kipucker?
Aussie - (got it)iwojimmy wrote:as an aussie.. or an Ozzie, although that sounds like some ex-celebrity from TV land, I can verify that 'rooting' has similar meaning to 'screwing' which is another perfectly inoffensive term in some contexts, and 'bonking' which doesnt have any other meaning so far as I am aware, but just sounds stupid.
The best Ryzom cross-translation embarrasment Ive heard of would be the Russians and a certain named mob. ;)
scr... - (for the record, not inoffensive to Americans, except as describing the action of putting in a lightbulb)
bonking - (only used for derision)
And I would love to know which mob :P