qurzo wrote:Back to OP battle declarations
First of all, I cant find anything on Ryzom website or forum about rules besides an occasional post of a GM without a real explanation or reference. Maybe I missed something; if so give a link...
The situation as it is now is kinda simple, 1th player that press DECLARE, pay the few million dappers it costs, will be the attacker for a few days. So far no problem..
False attacks a problem? Not really, they just are annoying. But so are attacks on odd times or multiple attacks to annoy opposing side. Some players say multiple attacks are a tactical instrument, maybe they are, but basically they are false as any other false attack. Asking a another guild to attack OP to prevent a counter attack can also be considered as a tactical maneuver but as multiple attacks also basically false. False attacks are tactical instrument
But what happened on Arispotle? Right after a guild got attacked by a friended guild some players from opposing side started sending in tickets with complains about it, they were planning an attack, but darn they didnt declare quick enoughNot long after that a MOTD appeared with a text like "false declarations will be dealed with" 2 CSR's and a GM attended that "false" battle, and nothing happened.
Few days later I saw players from the complaining corner visiting another OP battle (a friendly OP trade) asking a CSR to ban the guilds or players involvedAgain nothing happened. (Maybe they should use the same rule as Soccer, someone who is trying to get another player banned should be banned himself).
When I joined Ryzom everybody told me Ryzom is different, a mature community. I still think it is, with a few exceptions, like players who run to CSR when they can't handle a situation
Grow up, and wait till Dev Team change OP mechanics, maneuvering GM team in to a difficult position by asking them to judge every declaration is not gonna solve anything.
just my 2 cents
nvm eh,
right lads, lets go spend out dapper constantly declaring on each other so no-one can ever attack us, seems its ok with the other side now