Wondering about opnions

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Re: Wondering about opnions

Post by setstyle »

ark014 wrote:Perhaps a "Saga of Ryzom" char could receive a bonus or advantage of some type if he or she is operating in the homeland of the char's race
There's already something of a benefit regarding fame; if you play a Matis character and start out in Pyr, you're going to see a noticeable disadvantage as opposed to starting in Yrkanis. More and more refugees, however, see fame as nothing more than another thing to grind and, as Acridiel pointed out, a strong (and nowadays catalyzer-possessing) guild as more important than one's player background and beliefs. As others have expressed, I truly wish GameForge would bring meaning to the nations. Perhaps someday a homin declared as a Matis citizen could directly take part in governmental affairs, pay taxes for a standing army, and so on, and Matis-born citizens could hold higher offices and make game-changing decisions on behalf of their civilization? Ah we can dream...

My largest fear regarding the Saga of Ryzom is its degradation into a game based solely on levels, not story. Sadly, the distinction between civilizations are taking such a turn for the worst, a fate beginning with the opening of Silan and now accentuated by the dissolution of both RP events and one-race-to-one-capital teleportation.
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Re: Wondering about opnions

Post by hazira »

Aren't RP events coming back though?
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Re: Wondering about opnions

Post by jamela »

setstyle wrote:... Perhaps someday a homin declared as a Matis citizen could directly take part in governmental affairs, pay taxes for a standing army, and so on, and Matis-born citizens could hold higher offices and make game-changing decisions on behalf of their civilization? Ah we can dream...

My largest fear regarding the Saga of Ryzom is its degradation into a game based solely on levels, not story. ...
The former is something I dreamed of long ago, when I read the Matis lore - "Only the best can reach the higher spheres of our society" - though I remember well that it read a little differently then. The latter is something which many long-time players seem to have changed their mind about, which must bear fruit eventually, surely!
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Re: Wondering about opnions

Post by acridiel »

hazira wrote:Aren't RP events coming back though?
I´d say yes. As soon or as late, as there are enough volunteer CSRs that will act them out. It all depends on the Community and their willingness to volunteer, just like before. And I still don´t get why so many of the Arispotle Volunteers "left" after Jolt was released of their contract.
The work´s the same, the game´s the same only the company name changed.
Them leaving actually left a big hole in the support and not the Jolt thing.
Jolt was in the Background, the volunteers were those that did the Events.

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Re: Wondering about opnions

Post by katriell »

Perhaps someday a homin declared as a Matis citizen could directly take part in governmental affairs, pay taxes for a standing army, and so on, and Matis-born citizens could hold higher offices and make game-changing decisions on behalf of their civilization? Ah we can dream...
Problem with that is that unless good checks were in place it'd be possible to end up with officials who are...how do I phrase it...semi-literate idiots who have no idea what they're doing?

IMO, if such a possibility were to exist, it should be a requirement that all player-officials be capable roleplayers.
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Re: Wondering about opnions

Post by slay13 »

I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand, when myself and Beefy fist arrived on Atys, we about gave up after being stuck in the jungle for a week and could count the actual number of players we met on one hand during that time. The games just simply no fun without anyone to share it with and I DO think that at least on cho...this was a needed "evil" as we were losing players to this problem.

Of course you can always be "trekked" or what not, and Beefy has always loved this, but honestly it can just take a day or two of uneventful gameplay to lose somebody's subscription, and if this helps us keep even a few new players ingame, then i'm for it.

People can't shout in universe that they need help finding groups, or needing to be trekked, how are they to get assistance in a region chat thats constantly vacant if they choose a city thats not very populated such as zora? Nobody's forcing anybody to go anywhere, as I see it, if someone cares to go to a more populated town, then they have that option now, otherwise, they can just ignore it and go where their race generally starts. I would advise just starting in your races own start city, and then getting trekked later on...but to each their own.
tr808 wrote: It used to be i would see at least 4 or 5 new people in Yrkanis every week. After this patch i hardly see any, they all get adviced to go to Pyr thru uni channel...
This is IMO an imbalance in gameplay and the zones in general. Dyron/Thesos is simply the best place to dig in the game for anyone < lvl 200..period. I'd be more than alright for them moving some of the easy dig spots right in town further out..or making more of the city digs in the other regions more comparable to Dyron, but until this is done, people will continue to flock to these towns as long as there is an imbalance in gameplay here.

I LOVE the jungle areas, they are easy on the eyes...have great xp camps...and have aggro that doesnt make you want to claw your eyes out...but they're more vacant than Yrkanis is on any given day of the week IMO friend. If you think your being neglected as a matis in the forest, then re-roll a zoraii in the jungle and see how many people are sitting around in Zora at any given time....its not just Yrk., Zora is far worse off IMO.

tr808 wrote:Choosing sides with the Kami guilds since they are mostly the ones in Pyr and making the imbalance that is happening on Cho only bigger...
This is just silly. Mok...I love you man, but you seriously need to get out of the forest more my friend and check out the rest of the server. If you think that Pyr is just swimming in Kamis, thats simply not the case. NO place is swimming in players anywhere period...regardless of faction/race ect. There isn't any guild currently that has more than 20-30 actives altogether right now, its not a faction problem, its just a population problem.

My guild (EoA) is firmly neutral, always has been, and always will be. We are "kami" alligned in the fact that we use kami TP's, and thats it. Our guild are a bunch of crazy digging/crafting fanatics....and if there were neutral TP's or a 3rd option for digging in PR, then we would have taken it.

We have no alliances...we help those we want to help on a individual player or guild bases. The only PvP we've ever had thus far is with a kami guild, and have helped many karavaneers (yourself included) in winning OP's, as well as trading and trekking. Its the way we love to play, and we'll continue to do so as long as myself, Beefy, Fasi, Wezzy,or any other of the HO's/Officers are around.

The only other semi populated guild on our server other than your own, is DoK. I'm not speaking for them nor do I really know about their FvF allignment all that much, but their pretty much to my knowledge the only mid/large sized kami guild on our server. So we're really not talking about a whole lot of people here. It's not like (from what i hear or can tell) theres this HUGE gap of hundreds of players choosing one side and not the other...we're really talking about 10-30 players as a difference of population between the kami/karavan in any major guilds on our server. If thats too much of a number to be get to sign up for either side...kami or karavan...then saddly it doesnt bode well for our server, or Ryzom in general.
p.s. "I'm not Beefy, i'm just a small voice in his head. Well...one of SEVERAL actually."
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Re: Wondering about opnions

Post by rushin »

slay13 wrote: Dyron/Thesos is simply the best place to dig in the game for anyone < lvl 200..period. I
*coughs* Kipee Mull :) we used to queue at the stables with all of AoA littering the area :D
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Re: Wondering about opnions

Post by tr808 »

Beefy, in a response, yes i come out of the forrest, actually i think i spend more time in that jungle of yours then u do yourself. But thats not the point, i think with this patched there is no point for me in being Matis and for u to be ZoraÏ, it is only the colour of ur skin thats different, nothing else.

I agree on the part that there is a major flaw in the game balance with regions, but simply saying: Pyr, with no clarification about your fame and other stuff to go with it, why should u even ask further about ur raical backround? The problem for Cho is the people screaming on universe chat that the server is nonpopulated, first thing i would do is turn around and go Arispotle.... as that is the answer when people ask where should go? Pyr or Aripostle :) I forgot about that one....

Now for the other thing u commented about, it was merely a example ) and i think a scenario u also dont wishes for this server..... maybe Siobhan is right and i should go camp Pyr... only problem is, i dont like the way the dessert is designed..... and pyr is one big lagfest... i.e. u wont see me there to often ;) i wasnt talking about hundreds of people, but i think the ones coming over are getting misinformed in some way... and again i used the Kami thing as a example that wasnt really overthought to welll, but it brought over the point on wich i didnt see u comment, the reason i started the post and what was my final question.

Do u think that with this patch race is getting nerved down to nothing more then a nice visual feature?
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Re: Wondering about opnions

Post by ashling »

I like the change. I started Ryzom with friends and one of them did remake his Tryker as a Fyros so he'd be with the rest of us when we moved to the mainland. For other new players that don't do that being split from friends might make it so the first steps onto the mainland isn't as fun as it would have been for them if they were exploring and learning the game together.

Apart from that I don't think starting in your races area encourages learning more lore about your race much, a player that is intrested in that will learn it either way. Also I like that there isn't any differance in game stats between the races and it's just the cosmetic looks, culture and lore that is different. Certain races making better warriors or better magic users gives me bad flashbacks to other MMOs.

Having said all that I always recommend that any player intrested in crafting start in their own races starting area. If they aren't intrested in crafting I used to say what I think the advantages and disadvantages of each area are and leave them to make up their own mind without telling them where I'd begin using that information.... but I must admit I hadn't thought of everyone picking one area or heard the 'Pyr or Ari' advise as I turned universe off a few months ago so I might stick to just the start in your races area for crafting advice from now on.

I also hadn't thought about the faction implications ... I can understand why someone might join up with the guilds more active in the areas they are in when they start when they don't have a strong prefereance on factions but if your talking about it from a PvPer balance view then the players that want to be karavan and seek a karavan guild out might be more dedicated to PvPer and a more dedicated member of your guild, quality over quantity? Also the Kami aren't one big united front againts you and other Karavan followers Mok, I'm as happy helping a random Karavan follower with something as a random Kami follower :)
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Re: Wondering about opnions

Post by tr808 »

Well tbh most of my time in game i spend lvling with a certain Kami :o but from the PvP point of view there is imbalance.... u can say EoA is neutral but when they tag up they are Kami ;)

Again i want to stress out i didnt ment to flame anyone with my first, second or tirth post.
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