Off. Zorai Mage looking for dedicated guild...

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Posts: 12
Joined: Sat Oct 23, 2004 3:50 pm

Off. Zorai Mage looking for dedicated guild...

Post by sexym0f0 »

Hey everyone!
I got the game this weekend and I think it's really what I was looking for and planning to play for a long period. In the process of laying the grounds for lots of roleplaying evenings I would like to join a guild that takes a similar approach to the game as me. From what I've experienced the community seems pretty nice anyway and there's always people to help out/play with, but still I like the guild feeling :) I'm no 24/7 player, power leveler or any of this sort. That doesn't mean I don't play a lot - I play for fun, I'm good mannered, I like the interaction with others, etc.
My current (first) char is an offensive Zorai Mage (lvl22 as I'm writing this), but I'm also looking into the other skills (defensive, crafting, etc...). Myself I am 23 years old and from Germany. You migth wonder why I don't play on the German server, but German communities in most games normally turn into death & decay after a while :)
So long,
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