tigrus wrote:Reactivate HONOR points for PvP between factions.
Easy to do.
just uncomment the faction reward code right ? it's little harder than "if it's red, it's dead".
just because i can be non-pvp faction aligned, i want... i demand faction points too.
at least you can kill enemy, i cant do s for my "god's"
mithur wrote:Quick question... How the honor points worked, and why they removed it? For those of us that wheren't here when it was working....
honor point was gained in EP2 event (temple building). EP2 land was faction vs faction pvp area.
in event you digged mats and turning them over for faction points or got mission and killed "enemy" faction players... or should i say ganked foragers because for fighters, there were no point (no faction point reward) for protecting diggers (from enemy faction or from kitins).