qurzo wrote:To be honest I don't understand why some factioned players here starting to moan when somebody asks for tp's for neutrals in PR. Only argument i saw sofar that tp's don't make a big difference, if so why not giving them to neutrals also?
Simple.....if everyone has equal access at equal risk, then there's more competition for valuable materials. That means less for people who have a built in advantage that they understandably don't want to lose. It's not about looking at the situation and coming up with a reasonbale, fair solution; it's about picking what is best for the individual's own needs and then searching for as many ways as possible to justify it.
A lot of neutrals are solitary peeps quite happy to solo PR on their own. Making it harder for them to get there and making it a requirement that they bring like minded buddies would severely disadvanatge them leaving more "goodies" for faction peeps who more often travel in groups.
It must be recognized that the one thing most people love about Ryzom is that there are generally no penalties when making a choice. Fyros are not stronger at arms, Matis don't cast more powerful spells.....it's not impossible for a tryke to get a head shot in on a zora in a tourney caiuse we know they should never be able to reach.....making a character type choice in most games (i.e. paladin) means that that chacter will forever have advantages in some areas and be limited as to what they can accomplish in other areas. That ***IS*** Ryzom's uniqueness.....you can be whatever you want to be without penalty .... well except neutral.
The "you made a choice" banter is baseless. It's not you say ? .... Ok how's this....starting next patch kami diggers will have 30% less chance of blowing up while digging, and kara 30% more chance. Kami will pull 10% more mats and kara 10% less. Not fair ? Hey dude, why do ya think they call it "Kami Tolerance". Shouldn't the Kami be more tolerant of their own followers than the sons and daughters of Jena ? You made the choice dude, no one forced you to go kara.
In addition, kara get mechanical craft plans in my new patch.....trade ya apartment in for a sweatshop and drop off ya mats....kara technology will automate the process of crafting and even drop the grind items on the merchants for ya....no more standing around for hours doing clickety click. Oh you don't like that ? Hey, you chose to go kami ! No one forced you to do it.
Oh yeah, in my patch neutrals can go to the temple once a month and light a candle, drop a million in the donations box and get a "kami worshipper hat" that they can dig with for the month. Kami gods up in the clouds will treat you a kami for whole month. Neutrals also can go down to the union hall and buy H-1B visas that last a month. Drop a million into the kara "technological research fund" and be granted unlimited use of a kara sweathshop for a month.
Hey, it's my patch, I get to make the rules

. It was done "tongue in cheek" on purpose but all the previous arguments have been addressed. It fits the lore, covers the "choice" thing but only when it had a disadvanatge to an individual does it "start to count". This patch has something to annoy everybody.
Again, it's not whether there is an advantage / disadvantage that bothers most people....not just in ryzom but life in general. If they have an advantage, most people are generally fine with it. When they see a disadvantage, as long as it doesn't generally affect them, most people are fine with it. It's only when a person is on the short end of an inequality do they complain about it. If ya need proof go to a little league game and watch the parents respond to a bad call. It's never about what happened, it's about how it affects little johhny's team that determines the reaction.
Finally, in this day and age of religious fundamentalists, terrorists, etc killing each other over which invisible man in the sky doesn't answer their prayers, is this context really a fertile ground for young developing minds ? Should there not be a reward system for people who choose peace and kindness to fellow man on purely ethical groinds over religious fantacism ?
But most importantly, let's not forget that the game just came out of receivership. The Ari server lost a significant portion of its members when factions were implemented. No doubt more PvP has brought some in but judging by in game indicators (i.e. /who and KT) it's quite obvious that there are not as many people in game as there once was.... yes we have seen a recent influx but we have not yet matched the peaks the game once had.
If we want to insure the viability of the game, it should be attractive to all types of players. A significant portion of the on line gaming community does not enjoy PvP. Just look at what's scehduled to be released. How's guild chat in your guild been this week ? How many of your peeps are off in Vanguard (PvE and PvP servers) and LOTR (no PvP). Why the Cho option was chosen by Nevrax instead of starting PvP / PvE servers I see as a missed opportunity.
There's an interesting viewpoint here:
http://vanguard.tentonhammer.com/index. ... y&ceid=229
So if we're stuck in a single server environment that "tries" to satisfy the PvP and the PvE player but puts one at a consistent advantage over the other, it would be naive not to expect those disadvantaged players to migrate to another game where they are not penalized for making an ethical choice. So shun each other's play styles, viewpoints and desires with caution. The viability of any game depends upon it attracting the widest audience it can. Let's not chase any group away.