In my experience, tracking is pretty much a waste of time in pr because of how small the window is for weather conditions and leads to more frustration than its worth. It doesnt take long to find out where the spots are anyway or you can use a website like ryzom.raum for locations.
On a new spot or for a different season I always propsect sup only, excel only then choice only. This then gives me the info for whats available in that particular season. Be wary of choice tho as some only pop choice with excel and/or supreme. After that, unless I specifcally want supreme, I use an up to supreme prospect with knowledge 3.
A few points to remember, it takes longer than a season for a spot to regen supreme/excel mats so if someone dug 10 supreme mats in Autumn and you dig it in Winter there will only be 62 available. If someone dug it all, just because you are on the spot at season change wont mean its instantly available. Server reboots cause all spots to reset and is optimum time to dig.
Prospecting with mat spec (eg bark, fibre etc) seems to give more precise information when the spot has already been emptied, prospecting without it often just gives the no mats here message as opposed to saying they were there and have been dug.
Using a choice only prospect will often get you a pop even if the supreme/excel has been dug. These are the best spots to dig just for levels as you can pretty much continually dig regardless of the weather.
Weather change occurs during the 3rd hour so from 00hrs to 02 hrs you wont get any different pops, from 02-03 I would prospect for sup only and if no pop I sit regen focus from the prospect then stand and prospect again. This continues until 03 hrs and if I dont get a hit then its a case of sit and wait again, repeating the process between 05-06 hrs. (applicable when I only want supremes)
Often you get a supreme pop, dig the first source and then prospect again and already the weather has changed, other times it stays as supreme for ages so you rush around like a madman as the other spots nearby are usually linked and pop at the same time.
I've waited over 8 hrs on a spot before waiting for it to pop, other times its popped as soon as I got there. To me its just how pr works and must be one of the reasons I love it

Yes, I love pr, could just do with the Patrols back in to lend it that lil bit of extra spice................