This is Acridiel again and I´d like to plug our SoR-Radio again

In Channel 01 I´m streaming almost regularily a Playlist of:
- Movie-Scores and Original soundtracks (about 80%)
- Rock
- Pop
- Instumental
- Ethnic
- Alternative
- and some EBM, Goa and Techno
(about 100 Gig of Music all in all, randomized)
If you like you may listen to it at http://radio-sor.no-ip.org:8000/ - Radio IP (Copy into Media Player or select "play URL")
This :http://radio-sor.no-ip.org/radio.pl is the current playlist.
If you want to stream yourself look here http://radio-sor.no-ip.org/doku.php
Other DJs will bring other Music and other styles, so I´ll keep mine and hope others will join
