mithur wrote:Maybe the new company continues ryzom, but don't develop it. Maybe they want transform Ryzom in a desktop game for the Nintendo Wii. Maybe.
But a feature of almost every MMORPG is the continuous development. And, the good gor the company is the good for Ryzon, at least in a few lines (The bigger community the best), so the development will be there. Yo know, sometimes the enterprises are good, or at least favorable.
This is why I'm in favor of that free Ryzom thing.
mithur wrote:There is a thing called "qualified opinion". Isn't the same a two weeks player than a year one.
No, you got me wrong or at least I brought it wrong. I meant that you can 'label' ANYONE as 'one of them' to validate a point.
It's clear to me you've been part of the Ryzom community a lot longer then me. So if I was against the Free Ryzom project and you in favor, I could do the following:
(warning, following statements are not my opinion, it's just a demonstration people)
Mithur, you and your people should stop this adverticing of such an ill-fated plan. I think I speak for all of us when I say your behaviour does not speak well for your project.
(ok, end of demonstration, you can all move on now)
See how I try to create the illusion of being part of a group?
And how I place you inside a group you have nothing to do with?
There are people on this forum that do that just to validate their point.
They pull you out of the Ryzom player group and place you in the 'one of them' pile because they think that if you're a Ryzom player, you can't possibly like the 'free ryzom' idea.
So if you express an intrest or a liking to the idea, you get attacked like that.
Now I'm maybe not that big of a player like most people, but I like Ryzom.
And I also like the constant development that is going on in open source projects.
I myself am working on a application that uses open source material (lgpl mind you) so I'm constantly discussing the project on the irc-channel. Often I ask how to implement something, but sometimes I bring a shortcoming to light. When I do that the people who are working on that perticular part of the project simply start working on it.
A few weeks ago I tried to use a perticular plugin that didn't seem to work right. So after a few minutes of trying they concluded that it wasn't properly patched to the next version and asked if I would report it in their bug-report site. The next day I found the new version of that plugin in the cvs and could continue with my app.
I like this and the way anyone can write someting new for the project.
mithur wrote:
Oh! Tales! pretty!
As far as you've telling comunism-related histories, I'll tell a experience of me.
your reply to the communism thing seems to indicate that you're asuming it's a metaphore for, this is not why I mentioned it.
I mentioned it to demonstrate how you can validate an opinion by alienating your target by labeling it.