Ok, as long this is oncly a discussion about the option, we can talk fiendly and freely.
About the item regarding the copyrigth owning by the FSF:
Xavier Antoviaque, the coordinator of the campaign, is also reported by Baugh as saying that he is interested in the possibility of assigning the copyright for Free Ryzom to the FSF.
In the new I've linked in my last post. And (I've readed Ryzom.org as far as I wan't be well-documented), Xavier says:
Xavier wrote:I have thus discussed it with the FSF, Valentin and Olivier, everyones seems to agree it could be a good solution. We'll see, if we win the bid, to get all the legal details as to how it would be possible.
So, the FSF owing the rigths of the code is a big possibility. You can call me paranoic, but i don't like the politics make by FSF (Including the pressure against Linus Torvalds for have him making the licensing as they like). If they own the code... well, I'm sure that they'll have a damn lot of influence in the project. And the main concretn of FSF (And the only, I must say, and is normal) is the Free Soft, and not Ryzom (Being that my main concern with ryzom.org).
I see you don't know the FS world in all the extension needed to take this topics (At leas, as far I can see by your answer to my last post) . I do, as far I've released a lot of projects in Open Source (Not GPL), and collaborated a little in som big GPL projects. And, what the hell! I love OpenSource! Only it appears to me that this approach is very, very wrong.
Don't think that the opposition to this project is only by ignorance. Some of us know very well the item. In some areas, better than you, possibly, no offence meant
BTW: The Tamagochi examples from Ryzom.org... still don't like it, and I think your are better. Some of the solutions that the site gives... I don't like it too. And the response of Xavier to the "banned" users reentry is... well, let's say, biased:
Xavier wrote:I don't know for the others, but I think it is *very* important to completely review, on the light of the community, all the CS process (CoC, privacy issues, past decisions, structure - everything). I know how twisted the current system can be, so personally I'd revoke all banishments and start building a new system, which would better redistribute power and only enforces the social contract, not the privileges of a handful of people.
I still not like the "no resucitation" ideas and so on. But I know, i know, that ideas are only some pieces not representing the ideas of the leaders, only of some of the members of ryzom.org. It's simply that, the "feeling" of that community... doesn't look like a good feeling to me. A little crazy, too many ideas, too few reality... you know